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I sit with my knees drawn to my chest at the nurses station on Keller ward, it's still not fully sunk in what's happened yet. Ollie sits across from me holding my hands occasionally kissing them for reassurance.
Dom walks over to us, his eyes trying not to fill. I just want to grab him and hug him. I know it's bad to say it, and it's so wrong of me to think it but I'm not down about Arthur...
I've just got engaged and I want to scream from the top of my lungs. I know Arthur is badly hurt and I love him to death but I just want to have a bit of happiness.
Is that too much to ask?
'I'm going to AAU to see him, you coming?' He half smiles at me.
'I'll go when you've done..' I look at Ollie squeezing his hand.
Without another word Dom exits Keller.
I spin fully to face Ollie.
'Is it bad of me to not be sad?' He smiles at me and pulls me onto his knee.
'No, your just turning into a mini Jac Naylor.' I smile running my fingers through his hair.
'How is everyone on Darwin?'
'Jacs broke her arm...but she is made of steel. Everyone else is fine.'
'I'm so glad you're ok.' I smoothly run my hand down his cheek and delicately peck his lips.
I glance, catching Jesse staring at us. I pull my lips from Ollie's and stare into his baby blues.
'Babe, will you get me a drink?' He smiles, pecks my lips and lifts me back onto the chair before darting off.
'It's rude to stare.'
Jesse slowly walks towards me knowing I'm talking to him.
'I wasn't staring I was observing.'
'Still classed as staring.' I smirk.
' couldn't have one doctor so you moved on to another? O and wait.. You dated Jacob.. He was a doctor and Seb he was a psych..'
I cut him of.
'What's your point Jesse?'
'Just saying you have a type..'
'We all know you don't, you just take what you want.' I smirk again.
'You know that's not what I'm like.'
I don't reply.
'I'd be worried if I was him, being surrounded with doctors.. You might find yourself..'
Yet again I cut him of.
'Jesse.. Leave me alone.'
I see Ollie walking down the corridor towards us. Jesse raises a lip at me and walks past Ollie.
Ollie drops on the seat beside me.
'Why did he say that to you? Who is he?' He must of heard.
I think about the truth.
'I don't know...he's Just someone on Keller.'
'Someone on Keller.. About that, I understand if you want to remain on Keller for..'
'I don't. Darwin is where I want to be.' I smile and kiss his lips.
'That guy was Jesse.. He was the one who.. When I first meet you as Evie, he was the one who triggered my bipolar..' Ollie looks back at me, grabbing my hand and locking his fingers with mine.
'Zosh I'm just going bathroom.'
He smiles and leaves, I sit feeling guilty for not being down.. I will go see Arthur, I will be there for him.

Ollie's POV
I walk down the corridor catching up to this Jesse guy.
'Hey.' He stops and faces me.
'Hello, I don't think we've meet.' He smiles, I glare at him not returning his hand shake.
'I'd say it's a pleasure but I'm trying not to hit you right now.' I smile.
He looks at me with a bewildered faces.
'I'm sorry?'
'You have no right to talk to my girlfriend like that, not after everything you did.' I glare at him.
'I'm not your mate.' I say through gritted teeth.
'Look, I think you've heard the story wrong.' He smirks.
'Either way my fist looks the same.' I turn away from him, I'd rather keep my job.
'Well I'm sure you won't love the crazy side of her.'
I glance at him. He grins.
'I love every side of her.' I Continue walking, I head back over to Zosia. She shakes her head at me. She's now stood having watched the whole conversation.
'I'm sorry I had..'
She wraps her arms round me and kisses me, I guess she's ok with that.

Dom's POV
'Cara, he's waking up.' She rushes to the side of Arthur, shining the bright light into his eyes. He slowly but surely drifts his eyes open before turn to face me.
'Dom?' He speaks through a drained voice.
'I'm here.' I squeeze his arm.
'Zosia?' I roll my eyes, typical. Princess Zosia has to be here, for once I'd love to be the favourite.
'She's not here.'
'Where is she?' I smirk, probably consumed by love..
'Don't know.'
Arthur looks at me sternly, God even when he's I'll he's a pain in the ass.
'Fine, I'll call her.'
I grab my phone and dial Zosia.

No ones POV
Zosia's phone sits peacefully in the bottom of her bag, it begins vibrating.. A continuos loop.
No one comes to get the phone.
Slowly the vibration drowns out.

Zosia's POV
'I really should be at the hospital.' I smile at Ollie. He sits up pressing his bare chest against mine.
'You can go if you want to.' He smirks biting my neck.
'Did I say I wanted to?' I push him backwards Onto the bed.
He passionately kisses me, once, twice...
'Ollie, I can't wait to be Mrs Valentine again.' I smirk.
'Maybe we should of just stayed together in the first place.' He to smirk, pecking my cheek.
'Things don't work out that way.' I sit up.
'I think from now on we decide our fate.' He sits up wrapping his arms around the nape of my neck.
'I like the sound of that.'
He falls backwards pulling me with him...

Dom's POV
I hang up the phone, it's useless. I've called four times now and she's still not answered. I turn to face Arthur and shake my head. He frowns.
'I just thought she'd be here for me.'

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now