One Little Mistake

355 19 13

'So patient needing Heart surgery.'
'Ooo yay, please say we've got it?' I stand staring at Ollie, my eager eyes widen.
'He's mo's..'
My heart sinks.
'But she's give him to us.'
'Yay!!' I leap a little and kiss Ollie on the cheek.. Shit.. I pull back and carry on as normal.
'I honestly thought your surgery addiction would pass.' Ollie stands slotting his hands into his pant pockets.
'If it did, I'd no longer work here.' I smile and begin walking down the corridor.
'So you're telling me, you're a doctor because you enjoy cutting people?' He catches up to me.
'That's exactly what I'm saying' I smile.
'I do worry about your sanity.' He laughs.
'Well we all know sanity is something is struggle with.' I joke but put a sarcastic tone in my voice.
'Zosia, I didn't mean your bipolar..'
'Ollie I'm ones completely sane, have you met you?' I smile and turn of into the ladies toilets, Ollie looks at me sternly as I open the door.

Ollie's POV 
I continue walking, looking at the patients medical notes. Smack.
I drop all the sheets on the floor, I look up to see Seb standing in front of me.
'Hello Sebastian.' I stand up smiling, I'm in a rather good mood today. Which, is a surprise, unlike Sebastian coulter..
'Oliver.' He smiles.
'So what brings you back to Holby?' I continue walking.
'I need the job, just like you.' He catches up.
'I don't need the job, I have the job..' I smirk and turn of into the cubicles.
'Look Ollie, I'm trying to be civil mate..' He follows me into the room.
'Listen mate..' I stop and turn face him. 'Zosia may have forgave you for what you did, but I haven't.'
He looks at the floor.
'Now if you don't mind, back to your own department.' I waft my hand to the door. He rolls his eyes then exits the room. Well done Ollie, kept your rag.
'Ollie?' I hear Zosia shout from outside the door, I leave.
'Look how cute.' She points at a somewhat old couple in front of us, the old man gets down on one knee and propose. Zosia almost squeals with delight.
'Ye cute..' I remain uninterested and walk back into the room.
'Ok, Mr marriage is not my thing..what's bugging you?' She taps my shoulder with the pen.
'That you won't get any work done!' I smile and lean into her face, she smiles and hits my shoulder.
'Fine, I'll wish harm on others so I can work.' She smirks and leaves the room.

Zosia's POV
I walk down the corridor smiling to myself, I  past Seb's office. The door is a jar. I push it open and walk in sitting on the desk.
'Hello Sebastian.' He raises a lip at me.
'What?' I look confused.
'It's almost as if you and Valentine are in sync.' I choose not to press the matter just ignore it and carry on.
'How are you settle back in?' I smile.
'Apart from the certain ones, fine..' I know it's a dig at Ollie, ollie hates him being here.
He walks over to the file cabinet and then back to me.
'Zosia..I don't know how things are with you but..' I look at him confused, he suddenly leans forward and kisses me by surprise.

Ollie's POV
Where has Zosia gone? Ready for theatre and the surgery junky has vanished.. I head down the corridor, I see her in Seb's office. I watch them talk, I wonder what's going on? Seb moves forward kissing Zosia.
'Oh..' I don't wait to watch this progress, I dart of down the corridor, I'll prep without her.. She's too busy.

Zosia's POV
I push Seb back.
'No, Seb I'm not..' He steps back.
'You're not single?'
'Yes I am, it's complicated.. I'm not interested...' I awkwardly get of the table.
'By complicated, do you mean still caught up on a particular man?' 
'Alex?' He looks away from me.
'O god no..I..' My pager buzzes, shit I'm meant to be in theatre.
'I really need to be in..'
'It's Ollie?'
I stop by the door.
'Nothing is going on between us...' I open the door.
'I know what it's like to be caught up on someone.' He smiles.
'I'll talk to you later.' I dash out of the room and into theatre.

'Im sorry, I was..'
'Doesn't matter, get scrubbed in.' Ollie looks at me distantly across the room, I nod and grab my scrubs.

5 minutes later
Ollie's POV
I watch Zosia going about her business, smiling as she operates.
She looks up and smiles at me.
'What's up?' She looks down and continues opening up the chest.
'Is that the reason you said you can't be with me?' She stops placing the scalpel down.
'You and Seb..kissing..' I shouldn't have said anything..
'O, you saw that.. He kissed me and I pushed him away, anyway why do you care?' I feel slightly relieved.
'I don't..'
I look back at the patient, Zosia scoops up the scalpel and carries on.

30 minutes later
Zosia's POV
I rush behind Ollie, touching his shoulder making him jump. I smirk.
'Hey we still on for drinks?'
'Yes of course why wouldn't we be?' Ollie smiles and grabs his jacket.

Hours later
Ollie's POV
We sit at the bar, drinking lemonade. Zosia slowly hits my shoulder as she falls asleep. I grab her before she falls.
'Come on you need to go home.' I smile, she slowly opens her eyes.
We leave alybies, Zosia looks knackered. She shivers, I take of my jacket and wrap it around her.
'Thanks..' She laughs.
'Since when did Zosia March become such a light weight?' I hit her shoulder.
'Wow if that isn't rude!'she laughs. 'Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow Ollie.' She turns walking away.
'Wait, I'll walk you. It's late.'

The flat
We arrive outside the flat, I walk Zosia up to her stairs. She's more awake now, the fresh air will have helped.
'Well Thankyou for walking me home..' She smile taking of my jacket. I grab the sleeve and help it of her, stopping running my hands down her arms she stops and turns to face me.
I look into her emerald eyes.
She grabs my collar and kisses me.
Suddenly she pushes back.
'Friends. Sorry friends.' She unlocks her front door and quickly runs inside. I stand there for a split second and decide its best if I leave that as a mistake.
One little mistake.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now