Crisis After Crisis

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Ollie's POV
Zosia sits in the car with her legs tucked up to her chest. I glance at her.
I can't help feeling responsible for this, if she loses this baby I'll never forgive myself. I reach over and grab her hand, she pulls back.

Zosia's POV
I sit in the car, looking out the window. My mind is spinning with thoughts. What if I've lost this baby? How will I recover from that..

Ollie's POV
I pull up outside the hospital, I pull Zosia into my arms and carry her inside.
'I need help, she's 4 months pregnant and she's bleeding.'
I look down at Zosia, she remains blank expression and tears falling down her face. A doctor rushes to my my side and pulls her of me, she weakly outstretches her hand as though she's trying to keep hold of me. I follow in the room after them.
'Mrs Valentine, we just going to scan to see.' Zosia doesn't reply just lifts up her top to show her stomach, I notice the bump. I hadn't noticed until now, guilt hits me. I'm such a bad husband, I should have been there for her every step of the way and I wasn't.
I sit beside her, she reaches over and interlocks her fingers with mine. She still doesn't talk.
The doctor rubs the saline gel onto Zosia's stomach, she flinches with the coldness of it. He takes out the ultrasound and scans. She looks at me.
'It's going to be ok.' I smile at her, she squeezes my hand then looks away.
'Well I'm happy to report that the babies are fine.' The doctor smile.
'Babies?' I stand up.
'Yes. You're having twins.' Zosia shoots up.
'I'm having twins..' I'm so relieved that the baby, babies are ok.
Zosia looks at me and smiles.
'Where having twins..'
I still can't believe it, Zosia was told she'd never have kids and here she is carrying twins. I kiss her cheek.
'Here is your scan picture' he hands it to Zosia, she smiles and passes it to me.
'Boys or girls?'
'Boy and a girl.' Zosia smiles and grabs my hand, I've not seen her this happy in a long time. We grab our jackets and leave the hospital, it's been an eventful night. We get in the car and I decide not to drive home but to take Zosia up to the hillside to look at the stars.
'What are we doing here?' She climbs out the car and grabs my arm.
'I thought after the day we've had you'd like to look at the stars.'
I sit on the bonnet of the car, Zosia laughs and joins me shortly after. I take of my jacket and wrap it round her. I pull her close to me and we both look at the night sky.

Seb's POV
A sudden knock comes at my door, I step over the empty bottles and boxes. Who's going to be at my door at 12:44?
I slowly open the door to see the bailiffs, I try to shut the door but they push it back ramming me into a shelf.
'Just came to collect what's ours.' The tallest of the two walks past me and grabs my tv, radio and microwave
He exits the house, leaving the shortest of the two standing opposite me.
'Should have learnt to pay mate.' He walks over to my fridge and opens it, pulling out a cold slice of pizza and eating it rather disgustingly in front of me.
'I'm sure you don't own that..' I walk towards him.
'I own what I want.' He Rams me back against the fridge.
The tallest one enters and grabs my mother ornament left for me.
'No, please don't take that.'
I stand blocking the door. He smiles at me before hitting me across the face.
'Learn to pay, we will be back for more if you don't pay what you own.'
They both exit the flat, the shortest taking the box of pizza with him and practically spitting in my face and he leaves. I turn to shut the door and see Zosia stood there. I let her in.

Zosia's POV
I walk into Seb's disgusting flat. It's grotty and smells foul.
'I'm not going to say it's your own fault..but it is.' I hover near the door being able to smell the outdoor air over the stench.
'Why are you here?' He drops onto the couch.
'I want to know how you got this way?'
'People talk..' He glances at me.
'What you mean is people found out what you did to me?'
He nods.
'Where is Ollie?'
'Asleep..' I think, I need to get back before he wakes up on the bonnet of the car thinking I've gone crazy or psychotic.
'Look Seb, I'm not giving you that money. I can't..not now.'
He gets up and moves towards me.
'What's different from 2 hrs ago?'
'I'm having..twins..we need the money.'
'Have you seen what I'm living in, I think I need it more.' He looks around his flat.
'That's not my fault, find someone else to help.' I step out of the door.
'I'll tell Ollie..'
I stop and turn around.
'I'm going to tell him myself.'
I leave the flat and head down the staircase and straight onto the street, let's just hope he's not woken up yet.

Ollie's POV
I open my eyes and see Zosia standing looking out over the hillside, I smile and walk over to her.
'Hey, you ok?' She turns around and walks back to the car bonnet.
'Yes, I'm so happy Ollie..I mean I truly am.' I sit beside her and hold her in my arms.

Zosia's POV
My phone beeps.
I pull it out of my pocket and glance at it.
Unknown number -
Please Zosia I'm begging you, help me out
- S
'Who's that?' Ollie reads the text too, I lock my phone and turn to face him.
'Ollie, I need to tell you something but you have to promise you won't be mad, you have to promise we'll be ok.'
Ollie looks at me worried.
'Tell me...'

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now