I need a Doctor

420 18 8

2 weeks later
'Here' Ollie stretches across the bed and hands me a water bottle.
'Thank You' I smile, I'm taking the day of work as I've come down with some bug that Jacs had all this week.
My head is banging and I feel sick...
I faintly smile at Ollie. He lifts up the duvet and climbs back into the bed. He pulls me over to him and rests me in his arms.
'You're going to be late' I lean my head on his chest.
'If you need me today, call. I'll check in on you on lunch break.' I lift up my head and kiss his cheek.
'Now go before you get done.'
He squeezes my shoulder and dashes out the flat. I roll over and snuggle into the blanket, the hot air from the water bottle surrounds me and sends me off into a deep sleep.

Ollie's POV
I dart into work and into the changing rooms, I quickly change my clothes and rush on to the ward. I sit down at the central desk just as Jac walks towards me.
'Valentine, where's the Mrs...' She leans on the desk.
'Ill, she caught your bug.'
'Ah I see, well maybe you'd like to take a look at this..' She slides a sheet of the desk, I grab it and read.
'A devise called the elephant trunk..'
I look up..
'It's called elephant trunk?'
'Yes Valentine, keep up.'
'Right and you're showing me because..' I re-read the sheet.
'Because, you're going to help me do the first operation...' I sit up at the idea, brilliant..
'If this operation works Holby city will be the running leaders of new technical devices and we will be able to..Ollie.'
I look up from my phone, smiling.
'As I was saying, we will be able to try out new devices first before any other hospital.'
I nod and look back at my phone.
'If you're more interested in messaging zosia then I'll ask someone else to help.' She smirks and turns around, I dart up and rush to her side.
'I would actually love to assist Miss Naylor.' I pull the medical sheets out of her hand.
'Come on, I'll show you the prototype.'
She heads into the office, I follow behind.

20 minutes later
'Wow, this is beautiful' I walk round the model, inspecting all its intricate details and features.
'It is indeed.' Mo sits down across from the model sipping her tea.
'Our patient will be arriving in the next 40 minutes, go have lunch now.' Jac opens the biscuit cupboard.
'Jac do I..'
'No Ollie, you do not have enough time to go and have a make out session with your wife..' She smiles at me.
I lie on the couch, suddenly a pack of biscuits hit my chest.
'Go on, be quick.' I smile and dart out of the office.

Ollie's flat.

I quietly open the door and sneak in with the flowers behind my back.
'Surprise..' I step round the door holding the flowers outstretched.
Zosia doesn't react. I notice she's fast asleep. I smile and carefully place the flowers beside her. Kiss her forehead and rush back to work.

Zosia's POV
I flick my eyes open, glance at the clock then turn over noticing the bunch of flowers on Ollie's pillow. I grab and smell them, red roses, I smile and sit up. My stomach still aches and my head hurts even more, I wish the medication I've taken was working.
I grab one of Ollie's shirts of the end of the bed and put it on, I need to put these flowers in water.
I shuffle out of bed and practically drag myself into the kitchen, the brightness of the outdoors that leaks through the windows burns my eyes. I walk over to the sink and fill a glass vase with water. I neatly set the flowers in it and carry the now full vase to the table, suddenly I go really dizzy and the room also feels as though it's spinning. I slowly tip froward taken the glass vase with me, I hear the glass smash as I hit the floor, before my eyes drop shut I see the water rush around me.
A few minutes later.

I feel the cold water soaked into Ollie's tops as my eyes flick open, I sit up I'm surrounded in broken glass and the roses. I must have passed out. My head still hums but now it's light. I feel drossy and sick still. I carefully get up and step over the glass, missing a piece sending it straight into the bottom of my foot.
'Ouch shit..shit..' I fall back on to the floor, blood oozes from my foot, I shuffle over to the cupboard and get some pliers. I'm going to have to get the glass out myself.
I hear keys turn in the lock, I instinctively place my hand over the cut. Ollie walks in a darts over to me.
'Zosia, are you ok? What happened?'
He looks at my foot. He grabs my face.
'Keep your eyes on me and tell me what happened.'
'I got up to put the flowers in a vase but I suddenly felt really faint and dropped it all over the floor.'
'Done.' Ollie holds up the piece of glass he's just removed from my foot. I faintly smile. He grabs a bandage and wraps my foot, I remain completely still watching Ollie. Knight in shining armour.
'Ok, we need to get you back to bed.'
He scoops me into his arms and lifts me off the floor. Once he's tucked me in he darts out the room, I can hear him sweeping up the glass. I feel so bad.
I continuously keep drifting in and out of consciousness.

5 minutes later
Ollie enters and smiles at me, he climbs into the bed and pulls me towards him. I snuggle into his chest.

Ollie's POV
I hold Zosia in my arms, she's so Ill. I wish there was something I could do, I kiss her forehead.
'So what did you do today?' She buries her head into my chest.
'I fitted an elephant trunk, it's a new devise. You really missed out but Jac said you can try one when you get back if you'd like?' She doesn't reply. I lean over, she's fast asleep.
I hold her close to me, kiss her cheek and drift of into sleep.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin