The boyfriend

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Zosia's POV
I've been at work for 3hrs now and I'm ready to go home. My head is pounding, my chest is aching and I just want to sleep. I sip my coffee, secretly. I'm watching Ollie, he's trying to convince Mr Hansen that dressing like Santa Claus will make the ward more Christmassy. I'm not sure if Ollie wants Hansen to do it or him. I laugh to myself and spin around on my chair. Seb ( my boyfriend ) is stood talking to a patient, he's a physician. To be honest there is no sexual chemistry between me and Seb but he's a nice guy. He walks towards me.
'Zosia' Ollie spins my chair to face him. Smiling from ear to ear.
'Mr Hansen said yes! Next week it's Christmas festivities..' I smile and glance at Seb he leaves the ward.
'One minute Ollie' I stand up and run after Seb.
'Seb' he turns around, he looks and me then carries on walking.
'Seb' I shout again.
He stops but doesn't turn around.
I run in front of him.
'Seb, what have I done?' I grab his arm.
'Not now zosia!' He pushes me out the way.
'Seb...' I stop and watch him walk away.
'Trouble in paradise' Ollie walks past me stealing my stethoscope.
'Ollie, give it' he puts it round his neck.
'So Seb isn't happy..' He laughs.
'And that's any of your business?' I snap back.
'No your right it's not' he takes of my stethoscope and put it round my neck but keeps hold and pulls me closer to him. 'But he's a jerk' he lets go and walks off.
'And what gives you the right to call him a jerk.'

Ollie's POV
I love winding zosia up, she gets so carried away and so defensive.
'And what gives you the right to call him a jerk.' I smirk to myself as I walk away.
'stating the obvious..'
'Ollie... Maybe...your a jerk' she storms of into the staff room. I sit down at the centre desk, waiting for her to come back. She doesn't. I get up and tap on the office door before I
Slowly open it.
'Zosia, I'm joking....' I step in the room, she hits me with a cushion.
'I'm joking to, you're not a jerk.' She laughs then lies on the couch.
I lift up her legs and sit under her. I place her legs back down.

Zosia's POV
'Ok so there is a woman on the ward and she says she's guilty, now I'm trying to figure out what job...' Ollie starts.
'Dealt collector?' He smiles
'O maybe policewoman?'
'An immigration officer?' I look at Ollie.
'No zosia it can't be that.'
'Bet on it.'
'Ok ten quid.' We shake hands. Seb walks in I sit up straight on the couch pulling my legs quickly off Ollie. He grabs a magazine and pretends to read.
'Valentine, can I talk to my girlfriend' he smiles. Ollie peers over the book.
'Sure, sure' he puts it down and rushes out the room.

'Seb' I stand up
'Zosia look I'm sorry, I just hate him..'
'Who?' I know exactly who this is about.
'Dr Valentine..' He closes the door.
'Why?' I need to be on the ward winning my bet, my eyes flick back to Seb who's stood staring at me.
'Because I hate him near you.' I look at the window and see Ollie smiling in. I smile then look at Seb.
'He's just my friend, now I have to work' I storm out of the room and push Ollie away from the Window.
'Ooo, Seb doesn't like me'
'Shut up Ollie' I push him to the central desk.
'Lets make him jealous...' I roll my eyes and Ollie. He loves winding people up,  especially Seb. I laugh. Ollie waits for Seb to walk out the room, as soon as he does Ollie runs his hand over my shoulder and up my neck, I play along and laugh. Seb storms off. Ollie lets go and carries on with his jobs of the day.
I receive a message of Seb.
- after work meet me, we need to talk.
Suddenly a patient is rushed onto the ward, I page Ollie.
'Mary Olin age 56, bleed to her heart' the paramedic says pushing her past me. Ollie runs down the corridor.
'Prep for theatre, we need to operate now' Ollie runs down the ward. I enter the room and stabilise the patient.
'Hello, Mary I'm Zosia. We are going to do immediate surgery.' She slowly nods I grab the bed and wheel her to the theatre. Ollie ties my hat on and my gown. I wash my hands then rush into the room. Ollie cuts into the chest as I suction the blood, she's bleeding a lot. She goes into shock. Her Bp starts dropping. I pump at her chest.
'Ollie, we're going to lose her..'
I try for 5 minutes then Ollie tells me to stop I refuse, he pulls me back.
'Time of death. 4:48pm.' I storm out of the theatre and go to get changed.

Ollie's POV
I watch the nurses cover the patients body and remove her from the theatre. I have to contact the family members,  This is the hardest part of the job. I wash my hands then leave the theatre. I go and check on my other patients, then I'll make the dreaded calls.

Zosia's POV.
I get changed and sit in the changing room. I look at my phone, I'm about to call Seb. Ollie walks in I lock my phone. He hands me the tenner. I half smile.
'You can use this to buy me a drink' I hand it him back. He smiles.
'I'll just get changed.' I walk to the door and look back, he takes his top off, I can't help look.

The bar.
I'm on my second drink. Ollie is buying it's fine. He comes back from the bar.
'Omg, sebs here I forgot..' I lift up a menu and hide behind it.
'Go and talk to him, he's your boyfriend.' He takes the menu and starts reading it. I stand up straighten my dress and walk over to him.
'Seb.' I sit down.
'So you can have a drink with him and not me..'
'Seb, why can't you understand. Me and Ollie are friends nothing more.' I grab his hand.
'I love you Seb...' I look back at Ollie. He looks at me. Seb leans forward and kisses my neck, I break eye contact with Ollie and look back.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now