Baby talk

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I stand at my locker adjusting my scrubs.
I suddenly feel Ollie's hands around my waist, I smile and turn to face him.
'Hey you.' I place my hand on the nape of his neck and kiss him.
'Good morning.'
'I've missed you.' I Eskimo kiss him.
'It's only been two days.' He smiles at me.
'I know, but I hate being away from you.' He takes my hand and looks into my eyes.
'Zosia..About that.. I want you to move in with me-'
'Yes, of course I will..'
He smiles and places his hands on my stomach. I know there isn't really a bump yet but it's so lovely to have a baby growing inside me.
'I'm so lucky to have you.' He re kisses me. I return it.
'We are lucky to have her.' I place my hand on his still on my stomach.
I step back and walk over to the central bench. I sit placing my hands on my lap looking at myself in the mirror, Ollie sits beside me.
'What's up?' He takes hold of my hand.
'I had an argument with Arthur and Dom.' I stiff a smile.
'You always argue with them.' He tries to reassure me.
'Yes. But this was different, he told me to choose between you and him.'
'Who Dom?'
'No Arthur.' He looks at me shocked that Arthur would say something like that.
'Why would he-'
'He found out why i didn't answer his call...' He lowers his head, Arthur does have every right to be mad I just wish he hadn't of snapped like that.
'Everything will be ok.' He pulls me into his embrace. I rest my head on his chest.
'I love him so much I hate arguing with him he's practically my family.'
Ollie runs his fingers through my hair.
'Zosia, time will heal it.' I sit up and look at his blue eyes.
'I love you.'
'I love you too.' He taps my nose.
'Zosia what do have to ask me?'
I stare at him blankly
'Your message.' A reminder I set myself springs into my mind.
'O, yes. Well I was thinking of names for our daughter..'
He smiles.
'I only came up with one..'
'Go on.'
'I thought, Eliza Anya-Penny Valentine' he freezes looking at me.
'You don't like it.. If you don't we can change it and I'm sorry if it was-'
'Zosia.' Suddenly his pager beeps, he checks it before rushing to The door.
'We'll talk later, alybies.' He rushes back to me kissing my head and dashing off. I wonder if he likes it?

1 hour later
I lie on the couch in the office staring at the ceiling, Ollie has been in theatre for Ages and I won't see him till he finishes work at 6. He told me to meet him at alybies at 6:30, when I saw him for a split second. He didn't mention anything about the name. I have a really bad feeling that he doesn't like it... I guess I'll have to think of something else.
The office door swings open, I shift me eyes to it. Arthur. I sit up facing him.
'Hey.' He takes seat on the individual chair.
We sit in silence, me staring at him. He watches the clock that hangs titled on the wall.
'Zosia look.. I'm sorry.' He slowly turns to face me.
'No I am I-'
'No, I shouldn't have told you to choose..that's not fair of me.' I smile at him, I can't be mad at him just like I can't Dom.
'I'm moving in with Ollie. I need my own space, especially with this one.' I place my hand on my stomach. He smiles and walks over to the couch joining me.
'I hope you're not moving because of me.'
'Arthur of course not.' He smiles again.
'Boy or girl?'
'Girl.' I smile.
'So are we ok?' I laugh.
'I can't be mad at you, I love you too much.' He smiles and squeezes my hand.
'And Zosh-'
'You'll have to tell Dom I apologise to him to.'
'I'm right her sista.' Dom walks in, I get up and hug him.
'Im sorry.'
He steps back and smiles at me.
Arthur gets up and joins us.
'You guys coming alybies for drinks later?'
Dom looks at me concerned.
'I'll be on orange.'
His concerned look drops.
'Can we?'
Arthur hints, I know what he means.
'Yes, Ive asked Ollie. He'd like you to be there, both of you.'
Arthur smiles.
'Look.' I extend both of my hands to them, they link their hands with mine and one with each other.
'We're the trio, nothing will ever happen to separate us. Not in my life.'
'Or mine.' Dom smiles.
'Nor mine.' Arthur smiles.
'We made a pact a few years ago to always have each other's back and we will. I love you guys.'
Dom lets go and pulls us both into a hug. a tight hug, we all laugh.
'I love you too.' Dom yells.

I sit at the table with Arthur, Dom, Mo, Jac, Raf, Cara and Elliot. I'm waiting for Ollie before I tell them I'm pregnant, I mean Arthur and Dom obviously know but they said they will act surprised.
It's currently 6:25.
Jac said that Ollie has been skin deep all day, I'm still waiting for him to tell me if he likes the name. It's driving me mental.
'So why we here?' Mo yells from the other side of the table.
Ollie dashes in just in time wearing his checkered shirt and blue jeans, I smile at him. He rushes to my side and kisses me passionately.
'Get a room!' Dom shouts. We both pull back and join the eruption of laughter.
Before mo once again questions.
'Well, me and Ollie..' He grabs my hand and squeezes it for reassurance.
It's daunting telling everyone, I don't want to jinx it.
'We're have a baby.' Suddenly words of congratulation hit my ears and circulate the room. I smile at Ollie.
Jac sits not saying anything before leaning on the table.
'And you're getting married again.'
I laugh, yes. I forgot not everyone knew. Yet again the words of congratulations.
'Boy or girl?' Elliot finally chirps up.
'Girl and she's going to be called Eliza Anya-Penny Valentine.'
I smile looking at Ollie, everyone breaks of into their own conversation.
I turn to face him.
'I guess you like it then?'
'I couldn't of picked better if I tried.'
He slowly leans forward and kisses my lips.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now