Only you

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I walk onto the ward after spending the night at Ollie's, he left early this morning..
I've convinced Arthur that I was staying over at a friends..I don't have any other friends, I guess Ollie counts as one. I walk down the corridor towards Ollie, he smirks biting his lip as he does. I smile and dart towards him, stopping as I see Clare ( the blonde bitch as I like to call her) walks behind the desk and sit beside him, in my chair. I grit my teeth and dash into the changing room.
'Ok Zosia, you can't get so jealous.. To everyone else he isn't yours.' I breathe heavily before unlocking my locker.
0 2 1 1 - I wonder if Ollie has noticed I changed me locker code..he probably hasn't. I open the locker and grab my top. I removed my top.
The door opens. I glance over my shoulder, it's Ollie. He walks behind me and places his hands on my hips, I slowly turn round and tenderly kiss his peach lips.
Clare enters the room, Ollie darts back and unlocks his locker. I don't think she saw anything..
I grab my top and pull it over my head.
'Hello Zosia nice to see you again.' She shakes my hand, I grab my stethoscope and pull it over my neck. She reads it.
'Cute. Who got you that?' I glance at Ollie then back to Clare.
'My boyfriend..Joe..' Ollie smirks, I turn back to my locker and close it. Smirking to myself. Without saying anything else, Clare strokes Ollie's shoulder and leaves the room. I bite my tongue.
Ollie walks over to me.
'Look I know I shouldn't..'
'You changed your locker number?' He smiles through his pearl white teeth.
'Yes I did, to the date we got back together..' He smiles and slowly kisses me.
'I love you March..'
'I love you too Valentine.' Hearing Ollie say March is Weird, I know it was my choice to get divorced but maybe I regret it a little..
'Got to go.' He kisses me again and darts out the door.
'Ollie!' It's too late he's gone. I guess I'm just going to have to ignore Clare.

30 minutes later

I walk over to Ollie and Clare at the centre desk, I hear her laughing a flirting with him. I stand against one of the posts listening to the conversation.
'So Ollie, how's the love life?' I see her stroke his knee, I'm ready to snap. I clench my fist. No, Zosia you can't do this..remember he's not officially yours.
'I've been talking to a girl..she beautiful, stunning..' I smile.
'Ha, but she not exactly me.' I Spring round the corner.
'Ollie, patient needing..' I signal to the door, Ollie half lifts.
'It's ok, I've got it.' She presses Ollie's leg and darts off.
'How can you not want to kill her?' I drop on the chair next to Ollie.
'It's fine she's just being friendly.' I glare at him.
'Exactly, your ex is being friendly..'
'Don't worry about it..'
'You're either blind or ridiculous blind if you can't see that she's flirting with you!' I become aggregated in my chair.
'Zosia, she is irrelevant' he grabs my hand. I pull my hand back.
'No, she is relevant. She is your ex and she's trying to make a move on you!' I can feel myself getting more and more stressed.
'Well, I'm not interested in her..' He slowly leans towards me, I cough.
'Yes Mr Valentine, I will get your test results for you..' I put on a mimicking voice and pass Clare as I exit.

Ollie's POV
I wish Zosia would understand I'm not interested in Clare but I know she has every right to be annoyed.
'What did you do to her?' Clare sits beside me, running her hand on my back as she does. I shift.
'O, come on the girl clearly hates you for a reason.. Did you wait too long to tell her way back then?' I think about what Clare said last time she was her, that I should tell Zosia how I felt..
'Something like that..' She laughs and edges towards me on the chair, I get up and smile before rushing down the corridor into the office.
I see Zosia sat on the sofa.
I awkwardly sit beside her.

Zosia's POV
'Hi.' I don't look at him
'Ollie, I'm sorry I can't!' I get up and stand my back to Ollie.
'Can't what?'
'I can't pretend that I'm not really bothered about this Clare thing..because I am.' I turn back to him, he gets up and grabs my hand.
'Zosia, you can't be mad about this...'
'Well I am.' I pull back from him.
'Because I can't tell her to back away, I can't stand there and say I love you..I just can't.'
'You wanted to keep us a secret..'
'Yes and I still do..and that's why I have to say lets quit while we're ahead' I walk towards the door, my heart wrenching. He grabs my arm and spins me back round. I look into his eyes.
'No, Zosia. I am not letting you give up on our relationship over her.'
I catch my breathe.
'So what are you saying we do?'
'I will tell her to back away!!'
I nod
'because I'm in love with you, and only you.'
I smile and slowly lean forward and kissing him passionately.
I push him back onto the couch, the door swings open. I slide of his knee and to the other end of the couch.
Mo walks in.
'You two still not getting on?' I jump to my feet and walk to the biscuit cupboard.
'I would if I wasn't working with a total jerk.' Mo awkwardly smiles and heads to the door.
'On that note good luck and good bye.' She smiles at Ollie and leaves.
I walk back over to Ollie and sit on his knee. He runs his hand down my face and turns my head to face him before kissing me. Again and again.
'Now let's go work on Mr Jokns kidney civilised people.'
'Ah. I see how it is Mr Valentine...I'm not civil enough for you..' I smirk and exit the room.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now