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1 month later
Ollie's POV
I stand in the kitchen, with the fry up cooking. Bacon, eggs, sausage and beans. All for Zosia. I'm going to surprise her with a romantic breakfast. She's been spending a lot of time here recently, it's very busy at hers. With Dom and Arthur and people Visiting Arthur. I scoop the egg out of the frying pan and onto the plate joined by the bacon and sausage.
I turn the hob of and scoop the beans onto the plate. I place the plate next to the neatly set table, with a rose in the middle.
I grab the freshly squeezed orange juice and pour it into the glass. I hope she likes this, she needs uplifting from everything that's happened over the last few weeks.
Last night, she showed me a book her mother wrote it. I think I've never seen her smile so much in her entire life.
I best get her before her breakfast gets cold.
'Babe?' I tap on the bathroom door. I'm thinking of asking Zosia to move in with me today, I'm worried she'll say no because of the situation with Arthur, he needs her. Maybe I shouldn't ask her yet. She's currently in the bath, taking the pain of her leg.
I tap again.
Still no reply. I carefully open the door.
'Shit Zosia.' I rush over to her scooping her out the bath and into my arms. A place her on the floor and pump her chest, she's not breathing.
'Come on Zosia.' She suddenly coughs spluttering water everywhere.

Zosia's POV
I slowly open my eyes, spitting water everywhere. Ollie slowly wraps me in a towel and cradles me in his arms.
'What..what happened?' I finally get my breathe back.
'You was under the water Zosia, you was drowning.' I sigh taking in a large breathe.
'It's these tablets, they keep knocking me out.' I rest my head on his shoulder.
'Why didn't you say? I can get you weaker ones.' I smile
'I can't have weaker ones, it will affect my bipolar.' God it isn't half a nightmare having bipolar.
'But I thought it was the strong ones that affected..'
'It's different with these, I don't know why.' He strokes down my face.
'I'm just glad you're ok.'
'Thanks to you.' I place my hand on his.
'Ye?' I look up at him.
'Nothing. Let's get you to bed.' He lifts me and carries me through the flat. He carefully puts me down taking away the towel and wrapping the dressing gown around me. I smile.
I pull myself back into bed, he pulls the cover over me.
'Rest.' He demands.
'But I-'
'No.' I laugh, placing My head back on the pillow. He strokes his finger over my head then kisses my lips softly and rushes of to work.

Ollie's POV
I dodge the construction taking place at the entrance of Darwin ward, what a mess. I dart into the office, I need to finish my little project I'm doing.

Zosia's POV
I enter work, I'm not staying home if that's what Ollie thinks. He can't tell me too. Anyways I don't particularly want to go back to mine at the moment. I have to because Arthur needs help, Dom's there at the moment. I still feel bad about the other day.
'Ah Zosia.' Elliot walks over to me.
'Hey.' I feel a little queasy.. Why?
'Can you assist me in a heart transplant? Valentine has vanished.'
I nod. I love heart transplants.. To be honest I love any surgery, wow most people have a normal addiction not cutting into people. But then again, when have I ever been normal.

'Scalpel.' Elliot extends his hand.
'Here.' I pass it.
I watch him slowly inserting the knife into the patients chest, I watch the blood oozing from it. I suddenly feel a little sick.. I go dizzy. I stand back, I return to normal. These tablets are messing me up.
'Right Zosia, incision here.' I press the blade to the correct place, I stop.
I can't, I can't do it. Why? I feel sick again.. I step backwards.
'I'm sorry!' I put the knife down and dash out the room.
I stop outside the swinging doors, God I feel like shit.
'Zosia?' Ollie rushes over to me, catching me as I fall.
'I told you to stay at home.' I roll my eyes at him.
'Since when do I listen to you?' I stand up after the dizziness stops.
'Is this because of the tablets?, you should get weaker ones.'
'Ollie, I want you to come with me?'
He looks at me confused, I take his hand and pull him down the corridor.
'Why are we at mr Ts office?'
I smile at him.
'I think I might be pregnant.' He stop and smiles at me, he looks overwhelmed. But then he stops.
'What if your not?'
'Then, I'll get weaker tablets.' I smirk.
Mr T opens the door with a shocked look. I slowly enter the room still not saying anything. I smile at Ollie.
'I want you to do and ultra sound.'
He smiles, I feel slightly awkward coming to him.. I don't know why? I've been here before.
'Lie on the bed, roll your scrub up.'
I follow his instruction and take hold of Ollie's hand, I just hope I am. I'll feel so bad if I'm not, I'll of just dragged him through a world wind of emotions. I should of found out first, done a pregnancy test or something.
'Ok so let's get you tested.' Mr T squirts the gel onto my stomach and runs the ultra sound over it. I look at Ollie worryingly.
'It's ok.' I smile.
'Ollie. If I'm not pregnant, I'm so sorry for making this so dramatic.'
He smiles and squeezes my hand.
'Hey, you don't have to be sorry.. I'll love you nevertheless.' I look back at Mr T, he slowly puts the ultra sound down and looks at us.
'Well, Zosia...'

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now