I Can't Pretend

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She steps back wiping her eyes. She taps the seat.
'Come here, let's sort your nose out.' I reluctantly sit down. She pulls my head backwards. I laugh.
'Stay like that for about 5 minutes.'
She sits down on the table.
'Zosia?' I move my head.
'Keep still!'
I smile to myself.
'Zosia, you look beautiful today..'
'Thankyou, you don't look bad yourself.' She says through her tears.
I smile. I know me and Zosia are over but there will always be something between us.
It goes silent, Zosia's weeps fill the air. I dart up and to her side.
'Hey, you will meet someone else. You will make them so much more happier than you would him and at least you won't have a ugly last name.'
She laughs. Then cries.
'In sorry Ollie..'
'What for?' I wipe my nose, the bleeding has stopped but my nose stings.
'For leaving you, I know how much it hurts..I've felt it every day of my life..I didn't realise you was the stability I needed..' I squeeze her hand.
'I'll get you some water.' I get up and exit the room, I know she's hurt and I know she's going to need a friend to get her through this.

Zosia's POV
I sit in the room, my heart breaking. I knew he was going to leave me, just like everyone else. My mind pulses making me want to smash everything, I won't let my bipolar kick in. I won't let this send me back down this path.
Ollie walks back in the room, I smile. He's a good friend to me.
'Ollie I need to go home.'
he hands me the drink.
'Will you drive me?'
'Yes of course I will.' He grabs my hand and helps me of the table, his touch. His warmth eases me.

10minutes later
We pull up outside Dom and Arthur's.
I climb out of the car.
'Thank you.' I smile.
'Ollie..will you do me a favour?'
'Will you ask Jac if I can have my job back?' He nods.
'If you need me..'
'I'll call..' He smiles, I close the door. I wait till his cars gone then head inside. Dom and Arthur aren't home, they must have gone from the church to the pub. That's my guess.
I lock the door, pull of my wedding dress and rummage through the draws. Until I find a big enough bin to put the dress in. I grab the matches and set it a lite, I sit beside it watching my dress go in flames.
Beep beep beep
'Shit!' I grab the towel and stand on the table wafting the fire alarm.
The front door unlocks, Dom comes rushing in grabs a bucket of water and throws it over the dress.
'What are you doing are you trying to burn the flat down!'
'I have everything under control!
Arthur walks in and stares and me.
'That's why you're stood on the table in your underwear wafting a fire alarm.'
I awkwardly realise that I'm practically naked and one of my best friends isn't gay. I jump of the table and wrap the towel I was using around my chest.
'Guys I'm sorry..' Arthur still hasn't said anything, it's nothing he hasn't seen before.
'Come here.' Dom rushes to me and hugs me, dropping my burnt dress on the floor. Arthur remains still.
'I'll go and get changed.' I smile and rush into my bedroom, shove on my pjs..
'Zosia.. Door.'
I exit the bedroom to see Alex stood at the door. Dom and Arthur grab there jacket and leave the flat. I stand looking at Alex.
'I don't want to see you..' He walks in shutting the door behind him. He glances over at the dress all burnt and shrivelled on the floor.
'You didn't waste any time!' I swallow
'Just like you didn't waste and time leaving me..'
'Look I was wrong about that, I panicked.'
'That's no excuse, you know your actions could have re-emerged my bipolar.' I stand there clutching my arm, he walks towards me.
'Zosia, what we had was real..I love you more than anyone.'
'I..don't, you've hurt me to much..' And no matter what it still hurts, besides I never loved Alex as much as..
'Zosia.' He walks to me.
'You hurt my friend..' I stare at his hand, it's all bruised.
'Your friend, is that what you call him! I know he's the ex husband Zosia.'
I look back at his eyes.
'Exactly, he was my ex...you was my future..'
My phone starts vibrating in my pocket, I have a message.
'Is that him..'
I pull my phone out of my pocket I read the message;

From Valentine,
Jac said of course your job still stands, see you on Monday O x

I look back up at Alex, he stands waiting for a reply.
'No, why would it be him..' He snatches the phone from my hand and reads the message before throwing my phone. My heart is racing, I'm terrified.
'Wow you waited no time..'
I look around the room.
'Look it's just about my job, he's just being a friend..' I try to push past him, he grabs my wrist.. I gasp.
'Do you still love him?' I try to move my arm, pain rushes down it.
'Alex..you're hurting me..' He lets go, I move backwards.
'Answer me!' He yells.
'Of course I don't.' I look away from him.
'Look at me and say that.' I walk to him, looking in his eyes. I can cope with him..
'I don't love Mr Valentine..' I breathe.
'You're a lie..'
'You still wear the ring around your neck..' I touch the ring, of course I still wear it.. Of course I still care for Ollie.
'Yes because..'
'Because you can't pretend you don't love him..'
'You're right, I can't pretend that I don't care about him.. But for God sake Alex I like you, only you.'
He pauses, then walks towards me.
'Do you love me?' I don't reply.
He re-grabs my wrist, I tense.
'Do you love me?' He yells in my face.
'Do you love me?' He repeats.
I still don't reply, I can't even look at him.
'Do you love me?' He squeezes my arm tighter..
'No!' I yell, for a split second he pauses and realises tension on my arm. Then he Rams my shoulder, sending me fall backwards. I smack the table with my left arm as I fall, smacking the floor. I scream in pain.
I look back up at Alex, clutching my wrist. He just turns around and leaves.
I hold my arm, pain pulsing through my elbow to my wrist. I scream in pain.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now