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Zosia's POV.
I'm sat in the office on Seb's knee. I stand up ready to leave, Seb pulls me in a kisses me passionately. Someone walks in but I don't care who, I carry on kissing him. The person coughs. I look at the door, it's Ollie. Seb scowls.
'Need you...on the ward' Ollie leaves I kiss Seb and rush out the room.
I look around the ward, no Ollie, no new patients. I walk into the changing room, Ollie stands there with a balloon.
'Happy birthday' I laugh and step froward to collect the balloon. We both stand really close not knowing what to do, I know what he wants to do and I know what I want him to do. He leans forward. His pager starts buzzing.
'I've got to...' He dashes out the room. I put the balloon in my locker and head to the central desk. Mo, one of  the higher colleagues sits watching me walk towards her. I sit next to her, watching Ollie run down the corridor and towards the lift.
'Yum, Ollie Valentine... Nice improvement to the ward.' She turns to me.
'Sorry, I don't... He's not...'
'Don't tell me you've never thought about it?' She nudges me.
'Oh god no, our relationship is strictly professional and he's my friend.' We both head to the office. The ward is quiet and we have free time.
'I wouldn't mind.' Mo laughs.
I shake my head. And boil the kettle.
Someone is rushed onto the ward. I look at mo.
'You can have this one' I smile and rush towards the patient. The paramedics stop me before I get to them.
'He's just been stab downstairs, it's..'
'Ollie...' I push past them, Ollie lies there staring at me. He's stomach is bleeding. I rush him in. I cut his top open. There is blood everywhere. I add pressure to the wound.
'What happened?' I look at Ollie.
' he was a...' He coughs, I grab a breathing mask and place it over his mouth.
'Tell me later' I smile. I clean the wound with antiseptic gel. The wound isn't too severe a few stitches should do the job. Once I've cleaned the wound I start stitching, Ollie watches me.
'Ok, don't move. I'm going to check on the other patients' I smile at Ollie then leave the room, I go back into the staff room.
'So that was saving a friend?' Mo hands me a biscuit.
'Yes?' I look at her confused.
'That was more that a friends concern' she laughs.
'Shut up' I leave the room.
'Another sign' she follows.
'You're being defensive.'
'Am not'
'Are too' I slump down not on not my chair even though there is no Ollie on mine.
I checked the sheets to see if any new patients had been admitted, mo had seen to them all. I look around the ward. I'm bored. I decide to go back to Ollie.
'Hey, how you feeling?' I sit in the guest chair.
He lifts up his mask.
'I'm not dying' he laughs.
'Wards empty...'
'That's good, you can keep me company.' He smiles.
'I wish I had other patients.'
'Dr March, is that you wishing harm to others' he laughs.
'Maybe it is, patient Valentine.' I laugh.

20 mins later.
'Yes' I laugh. Finally he'd guessed it. Seb walks in, I walk over to Seb and kiss him.
'Aren't you meant to be seeing to patients?'
'I am' I look at Ollie.
'I mean real patients' I see jealously in his face.
'Sorry Ollie, you're not real' me and Ollie laugh, Seb pulls me out of the room.
'What was that about?' He looks at me.
'What was what about?' I shake my head.
'You and Ollie...laughing all jolly and..'
'Seb, I've just saved his life.' I turn away from him.
'Well now you have, go help someone else!'
'Don't tell me what to do.' I walk back towards the door.
'I'm just..'
'What? Your just what? Being controlling?' I stare at him.
'Zosia, I sor... '
'I don't want to hear it just go' I turn around and wait for him to leave, I hear him slowly step back and walk away.
I walk to the changing room. I smack a locker and sob into my hands.
'Are you ok?' I look up to see Ollie at the door.
'You're not supposed to be out of bed.' I stand and rush forward.
'Zosia' he walks in a closes the door.
' isn't..'
'Are you ok?' He looks at me.
I well up. 'No..' I sob. He hugs me intensely. I sob onto his chest.
He lifts my head up and wipes away my tears.
'Is this because of Seb?'
'No, I thought I'd lost yo..Ollie your bleeding' I see ollie's blood soak through the gown. I rush him back to the ward. I have to stitch it again.
'This is why I said, don't move!'

Jacs POV
I walk onto the ward to see no one at the central desk, I check the medical sheets. No one is on a patient so where is everyone. Mo walks out of the office.
'Where are my juniors?' I walk up to her.
'Dr Valentine was stab, Dr March is...'
'Bloody brilliant!' I turn around and walk towards the beds. Now is not the time to have one of my team down, ' especially not tomorrow. I storm into the room.
'Can you walk?' I walk over to Ollie.
'He can't move...' I look at Zosia.
'Did I ask you?'
'She's right, I can't. My wound keeps opening.' I shift my eyes to Ollie.
'Try stitching properly dr March' I look back at her.
'She did, I watched her do it. It was my fault I'
'I don't care, just be able to move and work by tomorrow' I leave the room.

Ollie's POV
I look at Zosia. I feel sorry for her, jac always targets her.
'Thankyou' she smiles.
'What's happening tomorrow?'
'I don't know..' She pages mo.
Mo comes rushing in.
'What's happening tomorrow?' Zosia questions.
'Three patients with a contagious disease.' I look at Zosia. And try to sit up she pushes back my shoulder.
'You have to let me get up.'
'No, I refuse to watch you bleed out on them.'
'Zosia, it's fine'
'Ollie it's not' mo leaves the room.
'Fine. Suit yourself!' She storms out of the room.

40minutes later
Zosia's POV
I've sat in the office for a good 40 minutes and not seen Ollie maybe he's behaved and listened to me. I get up and go to check his bed, he's gone. How predictable. I go on the central desk. Mo walks down the corridor towards me with one hand behind her back. She stops.
'Someone left this for you.' She pulls a rose from behind her back. She smiles passes it me and leaves.
I look at the rose, I little note is attached.
'Thankyou Dr March - O x
I smile and go and find a vase. I put some water in it and carry it back to the central desk. I put the flower in and laugh to myself.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz