Slipping away

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It's been a few days after the situation..I'm still angry at Ollie. He sits across from me, slowly sipping his drink. I'm reading a magazine, mo's sat on the couch doing some child's homework or something. The rooms silent..apart from the few noises mo's making and me flicking the pages. You could cut the tension with a knife. I feel like I'm skating on very thin ice. Mo suddenly gets up and leaves the room.. The tension increases by a dozen.
'You know I meant what I said the other day..' Ollie looks at me, I put the book down.
'What.. That I was capable of taking drugs?' I look around the room, I can't even stand to look at him.
'No, that I love you.'
Mo re-enter the room, silence falls again. I slowly pick up the book and continue reading it. Love is a big word, I feel like Ollie needs to realise that. Mo walks over to the sink, switching on the kettle. The bubbling of the hot water in the kettle fills the room. I look up from the magazine, making eye contact with Ollie. Strange eye contact.
'So you two are quiet..' We both look away from each other. Neither of us reply.

Ollie's POV
I look at Zosia, mo standing by the kettle waiting for a reply. Zosia picks up the magazine and continue reading.
'Ok.. Don't reply..' She fills her drink and exits the room.
'Ollie..we did, a stupid thing...' I look at her, I know what she's inclining.. She's referring to our 'fun' as a mistake.
'Zosia.. Let me make it up to you..over a drink, tonight?' I look at her smiling.
'I can't I...' Mo enters the room again. Zosia looks away. Why can't she, is it because she can't forgive me? Is it because I thought...
'Ollie?' Mo stands facing me.
'O so you can talk..'
'We both can.' Zosia interrupts. I shift my eyes to her. Mo walks closer to the table.
'Whatever strange business is going on, will you fix it..there is patients needing your full attention out there..' Mo points to the door, before exiting. I glance back at Zosia.
'Why can't you?' She gets up.
'Ollie, we have work..' I dash to her side.
'Why can't you!' She stops and looks at me.
'I can't tonight because I have a date.' She says it with no emotion behind it. I let go of her arm, she exits the room.

Zosia's POV
I stand next to the phone at the central desk, my mind is so distant from what I'm actually doing... Ollie walks round the corner, I log onto the computer;
He slowly sits behind me. I don't bat an eyelid.
'So who is he?' He drags his chair closer to me.
'Jacob...' I still don't look at him.
'You mean the Jacob guy from your old work?' He knows exactly who I mean, maybe if he hadn't of accused me I wouldn't be on this date.
I search through patient files, my name isn't on there.. Jac and Ollie must of kept it a secret. Ollie gets up and reaches past my grabbing his stethoscope. He grabs my waist as he does, I freeze. He soft tender hand slowly sweeps down my side, I feel comfort I feel...
'Valentine, March.' We both turn around to Jac's abrupt voice.
'Mo has informed me of your awkwardness, I need you two to grow up...I told you this Valentine, it will all come back to bite you on the ass. Office relationships never work and you two have demonstrated that more than once! You either learn to be friends or you can both forget everything and get along for the sake of your jobs.' I glance at Ollie, she has a point. Both of us have been distracted lately.
'Jac I can..'
'I don't want to hear it, get on with your jobs.' She throws a patient file down and walks away from the desk. Ollie slowly gets up. So do I.
'Lets.' We both move, smacking each other's shoulders, I try to go the other way.. So does Ollie, hitting my shoulder again. I smirk.
'You go right, I'll go left.' He follows my instructions, we both slip past each other.
I feel like anything we have is slipping away....

Ollie's POV
I just want her to know that I need her, that I want to call her mine... Going on a date, I can't compare to him anyway...

Zosia's POV
I arrive at the Italian restaurant, it's grand. The building itself it overwhelming. I slowly push open the large glass door at the centre of the building. The Italian music fills my ears, it's a lovely sound. I look around for Jacob. I see him sat at the table in a black tight suit, he stands up pulling my chair out. I smile, and straighten my dress before rushing to him and taking a seat. He sits across from me and hands me a single red rose.. I don't take it off it, I just stare at it. Only one person gives me roses, it's strange to be having Jacob giving it to me. I take it and place it next to my drink.

10 Minutes later

I look at my glass, half full.. Or empty, guess it depends on your viewpoint of life. I haven't said much in the last few minutes, I feel like I'm struggling with the conversation, come on Zosia.. You know Jacob..
'Zosia, I'm glad you agreed to this..' Jacob looks up from his menu.
'I'm glad I agreed too.' I smile, he leans on the table grabbing my hand. I feel a little awkward, I pick up a menu and scan through the list of food.
'What would you like?'
I just read the same words over and over...nothing, I want nothing I...
I try to respond but the words are swallowed by my thoughts. I regret being here now.. No I'm just being stupid..
'Zosia...did you come on a date with the wrong person?

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now