Past And Present

407 19 16

I slowly open my eyes, there is no pain anymore. Everything is eased. My mind however races, I still don't know if Eliza is ok.. I don't even remember what happened when I arrived here.
'Ollie?' I call out, my eyes adjusting to my surroundings.
'I'm here.' I feel his grip on my hand, I squeeze with the only effort I have.
'Where was you?'
'In jail..' He mutters, I shoot up.
'Why the fuck was you in prison?' I still feel tired, I fall back on to the pillow noticing Mr T.
'I tried to drive here, drunk..'
'Wait, how long have I been here?' I look at Mr T, noticing the light coming through the Curtains.
'You came in at 9:30, it's now 7am.'
'You passed out from exhausted.'
That explains why I don't remember being here, I focus my attention back to Ollie being in jail.
'You got arrested for driving drunk?' I fold my arms at him.
'I had to know you was ok.'
Yes, my mind flicks back to Eliza. I'm stressing.
'Is she?'
'She's ok.'
I breathe heavily, turning and smiling at Ollie. What a relief, I don't think I could have dealt with it anymore if anything had happened to Eliza.
I snap out of my moment of relief pulling my hand out of Ollie's grip, I'm angry at him.
I get of the bed fastening my coat.
'Thankyou Mr T.' I smile and exit the room, swiftly followed by Ollie.
I continue walking all the staff around stopping at Ollie's yelling voice.
'What!' I stop still facing away from him.
'Why are you so angry at me?'
I laugh and continue walking.
I walk to the lift through utter silence, he doesn't even mutter a word just follows behind me, I turn around.
'Why do you think?'
'Is it because I promised? That I didn't make it?'
'No. Ollie.. I understand why you wasn't here, you was idiotically driving drunk!' I yell. Jac stops near her office listening to our conversation.
'No, you could of crash and even died Ollie. I get it but losing a baby is not a bad as losing your boyfriend. I couldn't of lived with myself if something had of happened to you!!'
He smiles.
'But nothing did happen..'
'Except you got arrested and run the risk of something happening.'
As if he can't get it into his head how I feel.. I turn to enter the lift.
He pulls me back to him holding a hand on either side of my face, I stare at his baby blues glaring at me.
'I would run the risk all over again, I would do it because of you. Because I love you and I don't care about risks or even death when it comes to you, I wasn't going to let you go through so much pain on your own again. Do you hear Zosia? I didn't do it because I was being an idiot of which I am. I did it because you're everything to me. I didn't even have to think about it, I was doing it knowing the consequences.. Do you hear me?'
I look away from his eyes.
I crash my lips into his.
'I love you too.'
I kiss him again.
'Eww.' Jac calls still standing at her door, we both stop looking at her.
'Im guessing you need a restraining order to separate you two.'
We both smile, she shakes her head and walks back into her office. Ollie grabs me pulling me into his embrace. I hold it for a second until pulling back.
'But you hear me Mr Valentine don't you ever do that again!' I slap his shoulder, he smirks and me and pushes his lips into mine again. I laugh.

2 hours later
I stand in the alright sizes spare bedroom at Ollie's, our flat. This will be the perfect size for Eliza. I sit on the little wooden stool watching Ollie painting away. Pastel pink paint, cute for a little girl.
I continue to try and assemble the white wooden cot. It's harder than it looks, how stressful. I've been attempting for a good 20 minutes and currently have only added two pieces together.
'I give up.' I drop the wooden plank onto the floor causing Ollie to jump nearly falling of the step ladders, I laugh before grabbing the cardboard box filled with all my childhood belongings. Ollie watches me for a second before carrying on.
I peel open the old Sellotape sealing the box shut.
The first thing I see my teddy, Alice. I remember getting her on my fourth birthday and I took her everywhere with me until I was about ten. She looks pristine, as though she was never touched.
Ollie climbs of the ladder and joins me at the side of the box.
'What's all this?' He smiles.
'All my old stuff.'
I continue to rummage through the box pulling out random toys and little notes I've kept.
I see a folded up paper at the bottom of the box, I pull it out and open it.
It's a picture of me in highschool, well actually all my class. The massive group photos you had when you all sat in rows of height. Ollie smiles.
'Where are you?' I point my finger to little me sitting with pigtails. Ollie stops and frowns at the picture. I look at him.
'That's weird..'
'What Ollie?'
'I'm in this photo...' He point to a boy sitting two rows behind me, I pull it closer to my face.. It's definitely him, I'd recognise those eyes anywhere.
'But I-'
'It all makes sense now, I knew I recognised your name!' Ollie smiles, I don't remember him.. But I put my bipolar to blame, I don't remember much about my childhood.
'Was we close?' He pauses, knowing i don't remember..
'How very?' I sit facing him excited in reliving apart of my childhood.
'You was the first person I ever slept with.'
Something clicks in my mind, like Id removed it.. I remember everything how we got together and how we split..
'Maybe we both forgot because of how it ended..'
He slowly nods looking away from me.
'Still that's not us anymore.'
I smile and peck his lips. He returns my kiss then taps paint onto my nose.
'O. That's how it is.'
I get up and grab a paint brush getting load of paint onto it. Ollie smirks and backs over to the wall.
I walk to him wiping it along his face. He laughs and pulls me into his grip. I smile and kiss him.
The past doesn't matter, I have him now.

Please comment!
After I have finished this story I'm thinking of doing highschool Zosia and Ollie!! Thanks for reading too!!

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now