History repeating itself

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A few days later

Zosia's POV
I took the week off, I was sick.. Ok I wasn't I just didn't want to see Ollie, chances are he feels the same way. I sit at the central desk, my head banging.. I drank a tad to much last night, it was Dom's fault. 'Try this Zosia.. Try that' drink after drink, anyone would of thought he was trying to get me wasted. Today isn't even my day in, nor is it Ollie's but we're both here.
Ollie walks towards me. Grabbing my arm and pulling me into the cubicle.
'I need to undo your dressing, your arm should be fine now.' He smiles, he acts completely normal with me.
'I'll check the tissue damage but..'
'Zosia look about other day. I shouldn't have kissed you, I messed up..'
'No Ollie, I shouldn't have been so forward. I've just come out of a relationship..'
'Yes, you was just rebounding.' Ok that's a little to far, I wasn't rebounding I was just.. Ok maybe I was.
'Yes something like that..Ollie?'
He raises his head.
'Thank you, for everything..' I smile.
He pulls of the bandage and runs his hand over the Faint greenish bruise.
'Tell me if it hurts anywhere?' He uses his thumb and index finger to press around it, it doesn't hurt at all.
'That seems to have healed fairly well.'
'Well I had a great doctor..' I smile. He awkwardly lets go of my arm.
'So are we ok?' He looks at me, I said kissing him was me being forward.. But I meant it, I wanted to kiss him.
'Yes we're fine.' I smile and jump down from the bed. Why do I feel like history is repeating its self..
'Zosia!!' I hear Jac shouting from the ward, I rush out of the cubicle and to her office.
'Come in, shut the door.' She sits back down at her desk.
'Zosia, Sebastian Coulter has asked for his job back..'
'Right..' I sit across from her.
'I have matter to believe you two are ok now?' I smile.
'Yes, everything is fine between us.' Jac nods and scribbles down on a notepad.
'So are you ok with him coming back?'
'Yes, yes that's fine by me.' I get up to leave.
'Another thing..' I sit back down.
'I'm not being your boss now, I'm being your friend..how are you coping?' I smile, my mind flicks to Valentine's Day..then to the wedding. God my life is a mess.
'I'm getting there.'
'Have you heard from Alex?' I wish I wouldn't have to bring this up.
'Yes, turns out he's already married.' Jac sits shocked.
'O Zosia I'm so sorry to hear that.'
'I'll be fine.' I smile and get up.
'Use Ollie.' I stop and turn back to her.
'Use Ollie for support, he's good with that. You know that already I'm sure.' She smiles, I drop my smile.
'What happened now?'
'Me and Ollie sort of..kissed on Valentine's Day but we've both agreed it was nothing, it's.'
'Do you really think it's nothing?' Jac smiles at me
'I think we both know what I think.' I smile at Jac and leave the room.

'Ah zoshy I was looking for you.' Dad stands as though he's been waiting for a long time, I smile at him. A few years ago me and him cleared the air but he still tries to inflict on my choices, I suppose he was right about a lot of things looking back. I mean he was right about Alex and Seb, maybe I should take his advice from now on. He's always hated Ollie, but he said himself the man was a keeper.. Look how far that got me.
'Yes what do you need me for?' I continue walking, he follows behind me.
'Well, you see..I'm moving to America.' I stop.
'Yes, there is a great nuero surgeon job over there and I thought why pass up the invitation.'
I smile at him and continue walking, not that big of a deal. At least I'll get more freedom.
'So I was coming to tell you alybies for a drink on your lunch break..'
'I'll get my stuff..' I smile.
'Bring Valentine and Naylor too.' I roll my eyes and dart into the office.

2 hours later
'Ollie..look if you buy this drink I'll throw in a bag of m&ms..' I stand bartering with Ollie at the bar, this is my second drink..
He laughs and signals to the bartender he wants two more drinks.
Suddenly our pages go off.
'Emergency..' We both smile and dash out of alybies.

'Needs immediate surgery, bleeding from the heart.' Mo hands Ollie the medical sheets.

Ollie's POV
I slowly press the scalpel onto the patients chest, the red blood oozes from his chest. Zosia grabs the suction.
'So much blood..'
'Right, I'll try to find the bleed.' I can't see a thing.
'Ollie bp is falling.' Zosia states.
I continue to try but it's hopeless, we're going to lose this patient. I look up at zosia she nods.
'Time of death 2:34pm.' I look at Zosia, she slowly places the suction down and signals for the nurses to come and deal with the body. She walks over to the bin and pulls of her scrubs.
'Zosia..about Valentine's Day.' She stops just outside the room.
'I kissed you because I wanted to...'
'You did?' She smiles.
Silence sneaks in.
'I'm all up for making a shot at this..' She looks at me.
'Zosia, the thing is..I'm not sure..'
She shakes her head.
'No, that's exactly what I was going to say..I meant it's pointless..it was just a kiss.' I can see I just hurt her.
'Hello..' I turn around to see Seb standing at the lift.
Zosia smiles and walks over to him.
What on earth has just happened and when was Seb coming back...

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now