A Parting Gift

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Zosia's POV
I lift my head, looking in Ollie's eyes, he still has his arms around me. My eyes flood with more tears, he holds me tighter. I drop my head into his shoulder and weep.

A few minutes later
I slowly lift my head from Ollie's chest as I hear muttering coming towards me. A priest stands there holding a white envelope.
'Zosia March?' I slowly nod, he extends his arm passing me the envelope. I step out of Ollie's grip. I pull it of him running my fingers over the envelope.
'Oliver Valentine?'
'Yes that's me.' I glance at Ollie. The man again extends his arm handing Ollie an envelope too.
'I'm sorry what are these?' I try to talk but nothing comes out.
'They're letter from Mr Self.' I look back at my dads casket. I rip open my letter.
'Dear zoshy,
My darling daughter, I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I should have told you what was going on, I couldn't, I wasn't as strong as I wanted you to believe. Zoshy, my beautiful baby girl, I've never been so proud of you, I want you to remember that.' I wipe my eyes and glance at Ollie, reading his.

Ollie's POV
I slowly open the envelope;
Dear Mr Valentine,
Ollie, I wanted to apologise. I wanted to apologise along time ago but I couldn't. I didn't like you Valentine and I made that clear. But what wasn't clear to me at the time, was how much you meant to my Zoshy. For that I am truly sorry. I need you to be her rock through this, she's going to need someone and I would never want to put my daughter in the hands of anyone's but yours.'
I glance up at Zosia, she's looking at me already.

Zosia's POV
I weakly smile at Ollie then continue reading;
'Your mother and I will always be looking down upon you, our sweet angel. I think it's time you have this..' I tip the envelope, a silver locket falls out. My hands shaking I slowly open it.
''My loving daughter' is engraved on the left hand side. I look at the right, a picture of my mother holding me as a baby.

Ollie's POV
'And when you see the time is right, yes I understand. You and Zosia are friends...but man to man Mr Valentine, there is no fooling a kidder.' I smirk. Guy self, a man of honour.
'So when you see fitting please, I want you to take them and make a honest women of my daughter.' I tip the packet, two rose gold rings fall into my hand. I see there engraved.
'One doctor' on one. 'To another.' On the other, I smile. These must of been Zosia's parents, wedding rings. That's when it hits me, what guy is saying here... I stare at the rings.

'Ollie..' I quickly shove the two rings into my pant pocket and turn to Zosia. I smile.
'Will you put this on for me.' She hands me a locket.
'what's this?' I undo the clasp placing it around her neck.
'It was my mothers.' My mind pulses back to my letter. I fasten the clasp. Zosia spins around to me.
'What did your letter say?' I put my hands in my pockets, my fingers catching the rings..
'Erm, just that your dad was sorry for hating me..' I look at her smiling.
'There looked more than that?'
'Nope..' I re-grab my letter, folding it up so she can't see it before placing it in my jacket. I nod towards the door.
'Come on let's go.'

Zosia's POV
Ollie starts walking down the isle, he just lied to me.. What is in his letter that he can't tell me. I run my hand over the locker and dash after Ollie.

2 hours later
I lie on the bed facing the wall, Ollie stands at the window. I'm huddled in a ball,  we haven't spoken since we got back..I don't know what to say. I want to know why he's lying to me, but I can't face myself to ask.
I feel his presence on the side of the bed behind me. I don't move.
'Zosia, are you ok?' I still don't look at him.
'Yes..' I lie.
'Will you talk to me?' He grabs my shoulder carefully turning me to face him. I lie looking at his eyes.
'Why did you lie to me?' His eyes search the room, he's panicking.
'I didn't..' I shake my head and roll back over.
'I can't trust you now.' A tear falls from my face.
'Zosia, I lied because I have to.' I sit up.
'You never..' I create the brackets with her fingers 'have to' I lie back down.
'I'm sorry.' He leans forward to Re-grab my shoulder I move forward, he stops holding his hand above my shoulder before pulling back and getting of the bed.

Ollie's POV
I get up, now isn't the time to talk to Zosia. I take out the rings and slot them in my suitcase, I shove everything in suitcase and fasten it. I grab my jacket and head to the front door.

Zosia's POV
I see Ollie drag his suitcase.
'Where are you going?' I sit up.
He stops and looks at me.
'I'm going home.' I don't say another word, I just lie back down. I'm physically exhausted, I can't.
I hear the door open.
'Stay, with me.' The door closes, he comes back into the room.
'You don't need me..'
'You're all I need.' I weakly smile, sitting up. I need Ollie through this, who else do I have.
'You said you don't trust me..' He walks slightly towards me.
'Yes I did, because you lied to me.'
He looks away then back at me.
'I'm sorry..' He shakes his head and walks back to the door.
'Ollie, tell me one thing.. Why are you really leaving?' He stops, silence fills the room.
'I can't be here, you're not..'
'You're going to say it's because I'm grieving!!' I stand up and walk to him.
'No that's not what I'm saying.'
'Then what are you saying!' I raise my voice.
'I'm saying, you're not in the right mind frame.' I shake my head, almost laughing.
'When am i ever in the right mind frame.' I'm angry.
'You know I didn't mean that.' I stop just staring at him for a few moments.
'Then what do you mean?' I calm down.
'You're vulnerable.. I'm scared I might do something wrong, I'm scared I might make a move..on you..'
He still cares, he's still my Ollie.
'I..don't know what to say..'
'I'm not the man to take advantage Zosia..'
I know that, he never has been.
'But please stay..' He doesn't say anything else, he grabs the door and slams it behind him..
'Ollie..' I mutter as I smack my hands aggressively against the door.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now