It's a mess

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I sit across from Ollie, he's talking but I don't know what he's saying. My mind is too loud for me to hear, all the little niggling voices keep talking and talking, reminding me of Seb's words.
I really hope that my bipolar isn't trying to resurface, whenever I'm stressed it happens, the outbursts, the breakdowns. Everything.
'Zosia?' Ollie grabs my hand, the voices stop.
'What do you want to eat?'
I notice the menu that's been in front of me for the last 5 Minutes.
'...chicken burger
...chicken burger' I mutter under my breathe multiple times.
'Are you having a chicken burger?'
'Yes..please.' I take a deep breath, Ollie gets up and walks over to the bar. He returns a few moments later with a bottle of wine and fills my glass. I look at the red wine swirling in my glass.
He looks at me, shocked why I haven't had a drink yet. I know I have to tell him now. I know he's going to be angry I've waited for so long.
'Zosia is everything ok? You're..bipolar?' I feel my hand shaking on my lap, I faintly smile at Ollie.
'Yes, my bipolar is fine..I'm..'
'What? Are you sick, do you need help? Do you.'
'I'm pregnant..' I see his face is hit with shock. I sit waiting for him to reply, he doesn't.
'You're actually pregnant?'
I nod.
'That's amazing.'
He grabs my hand and squeezes it, I see his eyes fill with tears of happiness.
'How far gone?' He smiles.
'4 months 2 weeks' I see his smile fade, he stares into my eyes.
'Why didn't you tell me?'
'I was in hospital and I didn't want to..'
'What you didn't want to tell me I'm a father?' I look down at the table.
He gets up and walks out of the restaurant, I dash after him.
'Ollie..' I grab his arm.
'I thought you would of told me, I thought you would have been happy.' He pulls his arm out of my grip.
'I am happy Ollie..'
'Was you going to get rid of it? Is that why you didn't tell me.'
I stop, that hurt. It hits me, he thinks that I don't want a baby with him. Tears fall from my eyes.
'Ollie, I want this baby more than anything...I didn't tell you because..'
'Because what, you thought it wasn't important!' He raises his voice, so do I.
'I didn't tell you because you was recovering from the accident. You needed to focus on your health not me.' He stops and stares at me.
'How many people know?'
I look down.
'How many people know?' He voice his loud.
'Jac..and mo..and.' I think about Seb.
'That's it..'
'That's it, that's two more people who know before me.' I turns and starts walking away.
I run behind him.
'I'll see you at home.' I stop and watch him walk away from me. My tummy suddenly gets a sharp pain, I try to shout Ollie I can't. I sit down and catch my breath. The pain stops.

My phone buzzes.
Unknown number -
I'm waiting!
- S

I look at the time. 11:05pm
'Shit.' I get up and catch a cab to town road. I meet Seb down an alley, I must say I don't feel safe alone down here with him.
'I'm here, what do you want?' I stand across from Seb.
'I want money.' He smiles.
'Why do you need money? Haven't you got enough?'
'I lost my job, I'm broke..'
'Maybe you should ask someone who cares.' I turn away and head out the alley. He rushes behind me.
'Look, you will help me..'
'Or what?'
'I'll tell Ollie about that summer.' I swallow deeply and stop moving.
'How much do you need?'
'5 grand' I spin round to face him.
'I don't have that much..'
'But you'll get it, right?'
I slowly nod.
I signal a cab coming towards us.
'don't get too stressed, you know what stress does to a baby.' I open the cab door and climb in.
I sit back in the cab and hold my stomach, maybe I should just tell Ollie then I don't have to give Seb the money..Ollie would never forgive me if I told him...

Ollie's POV
I sit in the flat, it's cold and in darkness. I shouldn't have snapped at Zosia the way I did, but I deserved to know. I hear her key in the lock.

Zosia's POV
I open the door to see Ollie sat in the dark on the couch, I turn on the light and walk to the sink. Fill a glass of water and stand sipping it looking at my reflection in the window, I see Ollie gets up and walk over to me. I put the glass down and turn to face him.
He slowly grabs my face and pulls me to him.
'Forgive me?' I look into his baby blue eyes, in the split second I forget all my little worries and i kiss Ollie's lips. Passionately. I wrap my arms round his neck and he carefully lifts me onto  the unit. I can tell it still hurts him but he wants this more than me. He slowly kisses down my neck.
'I'm sorry too.' He grabs my hand.
'Zosia, you don't need to be sorry ever.' He gentle leans forward and kisses me lips.
'Are you coming to bed?' He smiles and lifts me of the unit.
'Yes, let me just use the bathroom.' I smile and dart of into the bathroom.

Ollie's POV
I struggle removing my top over my chest, pain surges through my body but I'm feeling better than I did this morning. I climb into the bed and wait for Zosia to return. Maybe luck is on our side, having this baby will only make us stronger. I smile to myself.

5 minutes later
Zosia darts into the room, looking at me, black mascara down her face.
'Ollie...I'm bleeding..'

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now