14th feb

332 21 10

'It's Valentine's Day!!' Mo hits my shoulder, I sarcastically grin at her.. Would I love to change my name!
I sit watching Zosia talking to a patient, I still haven't told her what happened a few days ago.. I just don't know how to. She glances back at me and smiles, I smile back. My mind pulses to the events of that day.

A few days earlier.
'Hello....' That's not who I expected to see, a petite blonde woman stands at the door looking at me.
'Hello, I'm here for Alex Forge.' She smiles.
'He's not here, he's working..who might you be?' I smile..name, I need a name.
'Tom..Tom Gates, and you are?'
'I'm Alex's wife, Katherine..' I stop, wait what.. He was already married. I stand glaring at her.
'Tom? You ok?' I snap back to it.
'Yes, sorry it's just...' I hear screaming from inside the house.
'One second...' She turns back into the house. 'Boys shut up!'
'Who was that?' I smile.
'Sorry they're my sons Joe and Ben.'
This is ridiculous..as if, what a dirty cheat he was planning on committing bigamy.
'Sorry for wasting your time.' I turn to leave.
'No worry, you can always come in and wait..' She smiles, running her hand down my arm. Maybe they both cheat, maybe that's the way the choose to live their life. God what happened to faithfulness. I awkwardly smile and step back.
'Sorry I'm needed at work.'
I turn around and dash back to my car, what am I going to say to zosia, how am I going to say it..it will crush her..

'Ollie...' My eyes refocus, Zosia stands in front of me wafting a sheet of paper.
'So there's this patient who won't be treated by a female..to be honest I think she just thinks you're attractive..' She laughs, passing me the medical notes.
'Zosia!' I stand up.
'Go on don't keep her waiting.' She pushes me into the room.

Zosia's POV
I head into the room to a different patient, I glance at Ollie talking to the girl.
'Hello I'm Doctor March, I'll be talking through your operation plan today.' I wish I could do the operation too, but I can't..not with my wrist like this, I glance over at Ollie. His patients flirting with him, I smile. I'm not jealous, I'm not..

End of the day

Ollie's POV
That patient has been taking up every second of my day, I'm slightly relieved to go home.
I walk into the changing room, I stop by the door. Zosia stands in her underwear, I awkwardly cough.. She smiles and pulls her top over her chest, I enter the room and change my top before turning back to her.
'What's it like swooning all the girls..' She laughs. I half smile.
'Zosia.. I need to tell you something..'
'No. Let me first.' She sits down on the bench. I do the same.
'The other day when you was at Alex's, I coughed up blood...I didn't tell you because I didn't want to bother you..'
'Zosia are you?' She cuts in.
'Don't worry, I'm fine.. Mo checked me over.' I let out a breathe.
'Now what do you need to tell me?'
I look at her smiling face, maybe now isn't the time to tell her...no, I have to.
'I didn't know how to tell you, but when I was at Alex's...I..you see..' She looks at me hanging on to ever word I say.
'Alex is already married..' She stares at me, suddenly her eyes fill. She cups her hand over her mouth and weeps, I grab her hand.
'I wanted to tell you..'
'He..he..was going to marry...me..' She sobs uncontrollably.
'Come on let's get some air.' I suggest, hoping the fresh air might calm her a little.
We exit Holby, the rain is bouncing.. I dash into the entrance and steal a black umberella lent up against the wall. I walk outside placing it over Zosia's head. We walk down the cobble path.
'What was his wife like?' She stops looking at me.
'She was called Katherine..'
Zosia's eyes re-fill.
'Hey..' I wrap my arm around her back.
'He told me she was his ex..'
'If it makes you feel any better I think she was a cheat too' she stares at me.
'What happened?'
'She asked me to come in after knowing me two minutes..' I smile at Zosia, she smirks.
'See I told you, swooning all the girls.' I laugh and look at her eyes glistening with tears but yet her smile beams.
'I'm sorry I ruined your Valentine's Day.' She places her hand on top of mine on the umberella.
'I didn't have anyone to spend it with anyway.'
We both stand, staring at each other. She moves her hand and steps back.
'Ollie..I'm sorry I didn't mean...I didn't mean to be so forward, I know I'm a mess right now, I.. It's..'
I smile at her, I slowly stroke my hand down her face, letting go of the umberella I gently hold the underneath of her chin. I delicately lean forward and kiss her soft lips, she kisses me back. I run my hand up her back. We stand there kissing in the rain.
She slowly pulls back.
'I.. I need to go..' She darts of, I stand biting my lip. Maybe I shouldn't of done that..

Zosia's POV
I walk away from Ollie, what just happened, my mind is so messed up.
I see Alex standing near the ambulances.
'Zosia, look I know you know about Kath..' I march to him and slap him. He steps back clutching his face.
'Look, I never want to see you here.. Ever again do you hear me?' I glare at him.
'What if I need medical help?'
'Well you better hope you don't because you won't be getting any from me!' I push past him, hitting his shoulder as I do.
I really need to sort out what is going on...

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now