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Zosia's POV
We arrive at the hotel, it's currently 5:30am. I'm struggling to stay awake, Ollie demanded to carry my bag. I had no effort to argue with him.
He opens the door for me. I walk past him awkwardly.
'Ah, Zosia March and Oliver Valentine welcome.'
'Hello..' Ollie shakes the gentleman's hand.
We enter the lift. Neither of us talk, baring in mind the gentleman doesn't speak much English. Me and Ollie stand facing each other just staring. I break the eye contact and walk out of the lift.
'This is your room' he opens the door to the little box room. The first thing I notice is the double bed. Great. I look left at Ollie, he's already looking at me.
It's ok. It's only 3 days.
'I hope you enjoy your stay with us.' Ollie closes the door behind him and walks back to me.
'I'm just going to keep my clothes in the bag, it's only 3 days.' I drag my suitcase over to the unit and slide it under it.
'Zosia, Jac extended it to a week..' I stand up and sigh.
'Fantastic..' I sit down on the bed.
'I mean, we've got a double bed..'
'Is that so bad?' There's silence for spilt second.
I get up and walk to the door.
'Zosia. Where are you going?' I stop.
'I'm going to see if they have a room with single beds.' I smile and open the door.
'Bit dramatic over a bed.' I slam the door.
'Ollie, it isn't the bed. It's just...I can't be that close to you, I know how I feel and how hard I find it not to kiss you..' I breathe and look at Ollie.
There is silence. You could cut the tension with a knife. Ollie walks towards me.
'You have no idea how much I want to kiss you, How much I want to throw you onto that bed. Touch your soft skin against mine...'
My heart races as Ollie steps closer to me, we're stood so close I can feel his breath on my face. I push him back and walk out the room.

Ollie's POV
I look at the door, then the bed. This is ridiculous, I want her. No one else. I ring Mo.
'I need your help..'
She pauses for a few seconds
''s 4:45 here..what do you want?' Her groggy voice beckons down the phone.
'I need to tell Zosia about how..'
'Just tell her Valentine..' The phone line goes dead..
The door opens Zosia enters and drops onto the right side of the bed.
I go lie next to her.
'Zosia, look I need to tell that I love you..' Zosia doesn't respond, I lean over and notice she's fast asleep. I take of my jacket and wrap it round her, she snuggles into it.
I lie for a few moments thinking about everything; Tara, Zosia. I turn over and slowly drift of into sleep.

Zosia's POV
I slowly half open my eyes, I feel an arm across my waist. I shoot my eyes open. I am tightly wrapped in Ollie's arms, my heart is racing. I slowly try to wriggle out of his grasp, he groans and squeezes tighter. Of course this is how we used to sleep. I carefully lift Ollie's arm and push myself out of the bed. Ollie turns over and yawns. I stand up and dart over to the window.
I hear him sit up.
'Did you sleep ok?' He walks over to the fridge.
I hear him walk beside me.
'Zosia, look I was going to tell you..'
'We're late..' I look at my watch. I rush past Ollie and grab my bag. 'Come on, we don't want Elliot to be mad.' I open the door and glance at Ollie. He grabs his bag and rushes past me.

20 minutes later

'Ah nice of you two to show up' Elliot walks over to us, shakes Ollie's hand and mine before leading us over to a patient. The hospital wards here are a lot different from Britain.
After I've finished examining the patient I choose to take a walk around the hospital with Elliot.
'Nice place you got running.'
'It is indeed.'
I smile at him.
'So how is things with Valentine?'
I stop and face Elliot.
'We. We're kind of not together anymore...' Elliot looks at me sternly.
'Can he not follow any instructions.'
'I'm sorry what?' I look at him confused.
'I told him to keep hold of you.'
'It's not his fault he can't get over Tara'
I continue walking, Elliot rushes behind me.
'Yet you blame him?' I stop
'Yes I do, he's still in love with her.'
'Maybe he loved her, but maybe he's in love with you Zosia'
Ollie comes rushing over. I step back from Elliot.
'Zosia. There has been a break in at the hotel, they need us to check our stuff'
I glance at Elliot.
'Go, both of you.'

We both rush into the hotel. We check the room, everything Is completely normal. Nothing is missing. I message Elliot.

To Elliot,
On our way back

I walk back to the door.
Ollie slams it shut. I step back from him.
'We need to go..'
'No, first you're going to listen to me.'
He walks towards me.
'I'm listening.' I stare into his eyes.
'You said to me, you would give the world for me to love you like I loved her.'
'Yes I did.' I step back from him.
'That would be impossible' I turn away from him, of course he can't love me that way.
'Because, I already love you more than I ever loved her'
I turn back to him, am I hearing him properly.
'You heard me.' He smiles.
'If you're not fully over Tara..I..'
'I am...I realised I had to stop living in the past and see what I had. You, I had you.'
A tear of joy glides over my cheek.
I grab him and kiss him.
He pulls back and reaches into his pocket....

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now