A different kind of love

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Zosia's POV
I button back up my shirt and walk over to the mirror. I check my makeup and hair before turning back to Ollie. He stands buttoning his shirt, I walk over and fasten his top two buttons.
I turn away from Ollie.
'Ok, you look fine...lets go out there..none of this happened..we just'
'Zosia, why do you keep doing this?'
I turn back to face him.
'You can't keep displaying your feelings then denying it.'
'I'm not denying my feelings for you Ollie...'
'Well stop hiding something from me..'
'I'm not..' I grab the door handle.
'And don't say you're not because I know you are.' I let go.
'I was threatened...I..' I look up at Ollie. 'I had to split up with you or we'd lose our jobs...' I grab his hand. 'I'm sorry I couldn't do that to you..'
He smiles and pulls me closer to him.
'I would of lost my job if it meant I had you.'
I kiss him.
'Who threatened you?' I look into his crystal blue eyes.
'Seb..' He pushes past me. I grab his wrist.
'Ollie stop..' He stops. 'You have to let me sort this out, I made this mess.' I walk to the door.
'Zosia.' He grabs me and kisses me.
'Meet me at alybies in one hour, but still we need to be discreet.'
I slide out the door and shut it. I have to put things straight, I know I said this last time but I know now. Ollie is worth whatever happens.

Ollie's POV
I grab my satchel and leave the changing rooms. I smile to myself, I took back my happiness today and I'm not ready to lose it again. Ever. Jac opens her door and shouts.
'Valentine. In here now!' I rush in the room. I've learnt one thing about Jac Naylor, you do what she says when she says. I close the door behind me and stand across from her desk.
'Jac...' I smile.
'I want to talk about you and Zosia..' I stay calm but inside my heart is racing, what if she knows, she can't.
'Me and Zosia?'
'Yes I know everything...' I start getting panicky I'm worried, my collar becomes warm and sweaty.
'Look we was going to tell you and I..we have liked..'
'Valentine I don't have a clue what you're talking about?' I look up.
'What are you talking about?'
'I know you did a bypass today...without me or mo' I let out a sign of relief.
'Yes, we did. I'm sorry we didn't tell you.' I smile, for a minute there I thought we was busted.
'Did surgery go well?' She raises an eyebrow.
'Yes, perfectly.'
'You can go.' She points to the door.
I walk over and reach for the handle.
'O and Valentine...' I turn back to face her.
'I thought I told you dating was strictly forbidden.' We're busted. She knows.
'How long have you know?'
'Since Sebastian coulter hit you. I mean there was incidents before that and I'm sure there has been incidents after that...especially when Elliot was here..' I freeze, she knows everything.
'Mo and Elliot have been spying for you..' I smirk. They played us good, especially Elliot.
'Did you miss the point where I said forbidden' she walks towards me, with her typical face. Angry.
'I'm sorry Jac..we didn't..'
'Congratulations.' She pats my back, I freeze for a moment. Is this the Jac Naylor I know...I laugh and leave the office. Jac played us too..
I head to alybies.

Zosia's POV
I see Seb in the parking lot, I walk over to him and slam his car door shut before he gets in it.
'We need to talk!' He turns to face me looking at me as though I'm something stuck on the bottom of his shoe.
'I'm listening' he grins.
'I've taken your threats into consideration and decided I don't care what you do.'
He laughs.
'And I don't want you to ever talk to me again or talk to Ollie. If I find out you have, I'll be the one threatening and it won't be pretty.' I turn to leave.
'As long as you're happy with losing your job.' He laughs.
'Do what you want Seb...at least if I l lose my job I will still have the one I love and no matter what you do, you will never compare to Ollie.'
I smile. 'I hope you're happy with that.'
I push past him and get into my car, I sarcastically wave as I drive past. Time for alybies I think.

Ollie's POV
Zosia walks into alybies, I grab her waist and kiss her. She pulls back.
'Ollie. Discreet.' I smirk.
'Jac know everything.'
'What.' Her face drops. I place my hand on her hips.
'It's ok, she's fine with it.' She leaps into my arms and hugs me. I feels so nice to be able to show how much she means to me. Zosia takes my hand and pulls me over to her father who's sat by the bar.
'Dad...Me and Oliver are dating.' She smiles at me and squeezes my hand.
He turns to face us and just stares at me. Says nothing and turns back around. I look at Zosia. She shrugs and moves along the bar aways from him.
'Don't worry about him. He doesn't have to like you, only I do'
'I guess I'll Except that'
She orders two beers. She sits holding my hand, I look at her. I've never felt so connected with someone like this, yes I loved Tara but Zosia is
'You look perfect.'
She smiles leans forward and kisses me. Zosia is a completely different kind of love.

4 hours later.
'I'll walk you home, it's late' I take off my jacket and wrap it round Zosia. I'm not letting her walk home alone.
We stand facing each other outside the apartment.
'I love you Zosia March...' I smile and grab her hands.
'I must say I love you too Oliver Valentine.' She leans forward and kisses me.
'Good night.'
'Ollie...you could come in?' She smiles.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن