It's Rocky

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A few days later

'Zosia what are you doing?' He buzzes through on the speaker into the theatre.
'What does it look like I'm doing?' I continue operating on my patient.
'This was my patient to..' I flick my eyes to him.
'Was.' I smile before carrying on.
'I told you to wait..' I hear the anger in his voice.
'You was too busy talking to Clare..' I open up the patients chest cavity.
'Zosia don't bring this up again!' I glance up at the window.
'I'm not bringing it up never left!'
'You said you was going to be ok with this..' I cut in.
'Ollie, you know what I'm trying not to let my patient bleed to death on the table.' I smirk and continue the operation, he doesn't say anything for a split second. Then the buzzer rings.
'I'm coming to help.'
I roll my eyes and continue.

5 mins later
Ollie enters scrubbed in, I remain focused on the task at hand. He walks across from me, grabbing the suction.
'Zosia look..'
'Ollie, you can either stay and help me with the patient or if you're going to keep asking me questions, you can get out.' We both stare at each other. Ollie slowly puts the suction down and exits the theatre.
I let out a breathe of frustration.

Ollie's POV
I pull of the gown and storm down the corridor. I can't do anything right at the moment. Clare walks towards me smiling from ear to ear. I roll my eyes and dart into Jacs office slamming the door behind me. I turn round to see Jac sat glaring at me.
'Can I just stand here for a second..' I look up at her.
'Do you want to explain what is going on?'
'I can't work with her..' Jac stands up and walks towards me.
'Which one?'
'Both of them. Clare and of them is going crazy because she's jeal...' I stop realising what I'm about to say, Jac stands looking at me confused beyond imaginable.
'You know what, never mind I'll sort it..' I dart out of the room.

Zosia's POV
I leave theatre, I've had a successful surgery. I head into the office for my lunch break, I can't wait to tell Jac that I successfully did theatre by myself..I mean there was a few nurses helping me but never mind about that. Imagine young f2 Zosia March successful on her first alone surgery operation, sounds impressive. The door opens, I spin round from making a brew. Clare enters and sits at the table with her already made lunch. I turn to face her and lean on the table.
'I don't know what's going on with you and Ollie but it's wrong.' I had to say something, it was eating me up.
'Sounds like it's coming from someone who cares...' She smiles at me.
'I d...all I'm saying is he has a girlfriend, back away.' I turn back around to the sink, holding in my frustration.
'Do you know his girlfriend?'
'Yes I do..' I remain looking away from her.
'Well at this rate, she won't be for much longer..' I turn back to her.
'What's that supposed to mean?' I stand glaring at her.
'The way he is with me, I mean the flirting...the touchiness...his obvious attraction to me..' I can feel myself snapping, if what she says is true then Ollie has been lying to me. I press my pager in my pocket, so it rings aloud.
'I've got to go..'
I dash out of the room and into Jacs office. She sits glaring at me.
'Why does no one knock?'
'I can't work here, with her.. And then Ollie has the cheek to lie to my face and I know he's lying of course he enjoys it..I'm such a fool..' Jac looks at me confused.
'What I'm saying is, you either sac Clare or me..I can't be here with her working here so it's down to you Jac because I swear to god if I stay here any longer I'm going to hit her.' Jac doesn't reply, she just sits there bewildered by the whole situation.
'Doesn't matter, I know your reply..ill get my stuff.' I swing open the door and march out. Well done Zosia, throw your job away...

I sit in the changing room, legs tucked up looking at myself in the mirror. Clare walks in.
'Zosia are you ok?' She puts on the pathetic caring voice.
'Do I look ok?' I watch her through the mirror, she sits beside me.
'Look I'm here if you need me..'
'Sounds like you actually care!' I glare at her.
'I do care Zosia, i don't know what I've done for you to hate me but I am your friend.' I sit there, realising, she's not really in the wrong. She doesn't know about me and Ollie. Ollie does, and he's allowing this.
'I don't hate you.' I hold out my hand, she shakes it. Ollie walks in, she gets up and leaves the room.
'Hey babe.' He goes to kiss me, I turn side on he kisses my cheek.
'Zosia?' He grabs my hand, i pull back.
'I was so wrong to think we could work this out..' My eyes fill, he stands up.
'Don't do this..' He kneels beside me.
'I'm sorry..' I clear my eyes and look at him as if it isn't affecting me but inside I'm breaking, inside I'm heartbroken.
He lets go of my arm and storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I jump then weep.

Ollie's POV
I storm down the corridor. Clare comes towards me, she grabs my arm.
'Come get a coffee.' I pull back.
'Stop, just stay away from me..'
'Ollie, what?' She tries to Re-grab my arm.
'I don't want anything from you I'm in love with someone else..'
'How can you be in love with this girl you never mention?' I glare at her, my frustration running high.
'I'm in love with Zosia March!' I yell.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now