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I sit cross legged in the centre of the couch watching the silent tv, the noise is too loud for this time in the morning. I rub my eyes repetitively, my head is like a drum.
Dom appears from his bedroom.
'What a mess' he shouts as he drops beside me.
'Ssh, not so loud!' I turn to face him, he raises a hand to his face.
'God. Have you been drinking?'
'Maybe..' I hold my head in my hands.
'How much?' I wish he would be quiet..
'A little..'
'Ok, I drank that much that I don't remember walking home..' I look at him.
'Oh Zosh..' He hugs me, I tense. My brain feels like It's going to explode.
Arthur walks from the bathroom.
'Diggers, get me an aspirin.'
He doesn't reply just darts into the kitchen.
'Are you drinking because of Edinburgh or..'
I look back at Dom.
'So you haven't sorted things with him?'
'I don't intend to..' Arthur enters with a paracetamol and a glass of water. He drops beside me, making my head thump. I grab the glass and down the tablet.
'So, late night?'
'Diggers leave her be.'
''re more annoying than me!'
'Actually Arthur You'll bore her with facts about napoleon.'
'What's wrong with napoleon?'
'BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!' I stand up, yelling at the top of my lungs. Dom and Arthur both sit speechless.
'Sorry..' I dart into my room and slam the door shut.
I open my draw and begin folding up my clothes into my suitcase, 6 months in Edinburgh is exactly what I need to clear my head and maybe even start over.
I'll have to go back to Ollie's to get all my medical equipment, I left it there, in rage.

20 minutes later
I walk out of my room, makeup done and hair done. At least I don't look hungover anymore, still I feel it.
Dom and Arthur still sit on the couch watching tv, have they nothing better to do with the Saturdays.
'Guys I'm just nipping out..'
'Where too?' Dom darts up and walk to the door.
'I have to see Jac before I go..' I choose not to mention about visiting Ollie too.
'I'll come with you.' Dom smiles and grabs his coat. I can't say no or he will know something isn't right.
'Sure, as long as I drive.' I laugh and open the door.
'Nope, you'll still be over the limit. I will.' Dom dashes ahead of me.
'Arthur please come and drive, I want to make it to Edinburgh in one piece.' He gets up and darts after Dom. I lock up and stand looking at the door, am I even making the right decision..
'Zosia come on!!' Dom shouts from downstairs.

Ollie's POV
'Hello is Oliver Valentine, I'm just inquiring about that job in New York?'
I stand in the kitchen looking at my reflection in the window.
'Ah Mr Valentine, we would love you to spend a few months with us.'
I smile. Maybe this is the perfect opportunity to get free of this place, all the memories.
'So Mr Valentine are you joining us?'
I pause.
'No, I think I'm best off at Holby.'
Yes I remember the memories but they was good memories.
'I'm sorry to hear that Mr Valentine.'
I hang up the phone...

Zosia's POV
I stand outside Jacs door.
'Are you going to knock?' Dom stands beside me.
'Dom will you Bugger off, go find someone else to annoy.'
'Wow, I prefer it when you're not hungover.' He smirks and walks off.
I reach my hand slowly to the door.
'Ah zosia.'
Mo comes dashing to my side.
'You look as though you're making a life decision..' I just look at her.
'I am..'
She takes my hand and pulls me into the office.
I sit on the Table.
'go on spill.'
'I agreed to take the job in Edinburgh..' I smile.
'You don't want to go?'
'I don't know what I want anymore...'
'Ollie?' She hands me a drink.
'Look zosia, do what you can see a Future in..' She smiles at me.
I smile back and leave the room.

30 minutes later.
Dom -
Ive decided to walk home for the last time
- zosia xx
I have to visit Ollie's flat to collect my stuff. I think he at least deserves a goodbye. I still have the key to the flat, maybe I should knock. He's probably not even here.
I slowly unlock the door and walk in.
No reply, I walk towards the bedroom and hear the water running from the bathroom. If I'm quick he won't even know I was here.
I dash into the bedroom and open the bottom draw, I pull out the white box. I open it and run my hand over the red engraved stethoscope..
I turn round. Ollie stands there in a towel. I stop breathing..
'I see you still have a key..' I watch the water dripping of his chest. I nod.
'What are you doing here?' I snap back to reality.
'Yes. I just came to get my medical stuff, you know for Edinburgh..' I put the lid on the box and grab my bag too.
'I remember when that was special to you.' He raises his hand to the box.
'I came to say goodbye..' I walk towards him.
'Is it what you want?' I pause.
'Yes.' I look back at the door and then his chest, down his body to the rim of the towel.
'Why can't you look in my eyes and say that?' I look back up into his eyes.
'Because, I don't know what I want..'
He heavily breathes.
'Stay.' He whispers
'No, I have to do what's right..' My eyes fill with tears.
'Goodbye..' I slowly press my lips against his, then push past him and out of the flat. I leave the building and see Dom parked up.
'What are you doing here?' I open the car door and climb in the back.
'I'm not stupid Zosh.' He smiles.
I see my suitcase and bags beside me.
'Please just drive me there now!'
Dom puts his foot down and speeds forward. I drop my head into my hands and weep.
I grab the box and open heart is in your hands.. I smile through my tears. What am I doing?
'Dom stop the car!'

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now