~Side Part~

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This chapter doesn't contribute to the main flow of the events of the book. 


Blue was walking down a dark alley of stray cats.

"Ew, cats, why are you even here?" she thought to herself out loud. 

"Maybe because we're supposed to be here" on of them answered in a bored tone. 

"Who said that?" Blue suddenly halted and looked around. She wasn't expecting a cat to answer. 

"T'was me" a tall, black cat with an eye covered by the fringe, with the tail slowly, abruptly, bent, white socks and yellow sparkly eyes. "I have a good deal for you, yavleniye"

"For me? In a dark alley? From a talking cat? Sure, why not."

"Very well, yavleniye... I sell potions. Not any kind of potions you can make in your kitchen. I have the Love Potion. The Speak Your Heart Potion. The Forest Potion. The Mermaid Potion... What do you wish?"

"What is the price?" Blue asked, tapping her thumb on her cheek as to show deep thought. 

"Oh, yavleniye, I will give you any your heart chooses, all you have to do is retract you question on cats' existence."

"Is that all?"

"Yest, yavleniye."

"Very well, I hereby withdraw my question on cats' existence" a small pow could be heard and the black cat nodded. "I would like the... Speak your heart potion."

"It's yours, yavleniye."

Blue giggled and walked away from the dark alley, out on the bubbly pink colored clouds of Arvagonia. She went straight to the XD Cafe and ordered some choco banana hazelnut ice cream and frozen carrot souls. Not too long after she sat at the table, Borvo Morvo entered the cafe, glared around him until he found the blueness he was looking for. 

"Found you, Sky. The agent told me to look for you... are you singing in the next concert?"he asked as he sat on the next chair. 

Blue thought that it's the perfect time and place to try out that potion she redeemed. 

"Yes, of course. What's a concert without me? But- oh, it's so hot here. Aren't you hot?"

"Actually, a little."

"Would you like some carrot souls? Straight from the refrigerator."

"Maybe I will help myself with one, if it's not a bother."

"No, don't worry. I wouldn't be able to eat all of them by myself anyway."

"That's very kind of you."

Blue laughed and evil laugh internally. 

The door bell rang as the green presence entered the cafe. She searched the crowd for Blue everywhere, she has lost her too not long ago, just before an alley... 

She found her, chatting with Borvo Morvo. Nope, she's nothing to do there-oh, wait. Is that choco banana hazelnut ice cream??

Green swore that only this time she will agree the slight seeing of that white suited dork.

She strolled through the desks as if she was just taking a dreamy walk, until she reached the table and snatched the cup and glancing at Blue to make sure she's annoyed with that, but, surprisingly, she had an evil smile on her face. Borvo was also staring at her, and, as Green took a sip of her favorite kind of meat, her brain froze. 

Suddenly, her heart started beating faster and faster, and it wasn't because the ice cream was delectable. Her heart got in her throat. 

She was staring at Borvo just as he was staring at her, feeling like there was nothing else around, except for Blue's eyes that kept moving from one to another. Her gut felt very tight and she couldn't say a word or even make a sound, and she couldn't unlock her eyes away from his blue ones...

Borvo felt as astonished as Green felt, maybe even more. He wanted to say something, he was actually going to comment on her taking that ice cream without permission, but he suddenly felt like his heart got in his throat. His chest felt very tight. 

Blue cleared her throat and made the two snap out of it. 

Green put the ice cream back on the table and also sat down with the two.

"What did you put in this?" she asked and Blue felt an electric shock going down her spine. Of course the Queen of Potions would find out immediately... But that didn't necessary mean that she was immune to it, did it?

"Will you be mad at me if I tell you?" Blue answered.

"Depends. Most probably, yes."

"So I shouldn't say it..."

"Say it. The quicker the smaller your punishment."

"The Speak Your Heart Potion."

"Where did you get this, Blue?!"

"A cat speaking Russian gave it to me!"

"A cat?! With a Russian tongue?!"

"Was it black?" Borvo asked.

"Obviously, tesoro" Green answered but immediately covered her mouth. 

"What was that, chat?" he annoyingly answered but covered his mouth also, blushing hard. 

"Oh my, what have I done"Blue seemed super excited about this and secretly called Violet and Lemon at the scene.

The two showed up pretty quickly and seated at a close desk without Green and Borvo noticing. 

"We should stop talking if we want to get rid of this quickly, rene" Green said. 

"Agreed, lapin."

"This should only last for an hour, considering the amount we were given...pomodoro."

Green's face was exploding, so was Borvo's. 

"Bluie, this potion isn't what you thought it is. It's way too hard to be made to be simply sold to a stranger."

"Then what is it?"

"The Lockheart Potion. It makes the victim speak in another language words for a lover. How much did you pay for it, fenomeno?"

"All I had to do is withdraw some words I said."

"Ay, ay , it means you offended the person pretty bad, cordon bleu" Borvo commented.

"All I did was to complain about some cats around me! Then this cat answered and gave me this potion in exchange for me withdrawing my complain!"

"Did the cat have a side fringe?" Violet entered the discussion. 

Blue nodded. 

"Ah, that was Ali. Don't worry, he's not a bad guy, morango"

"Violet, formaggio?"

"Yes, pera?"

"Have you eaten the potion as well, orso?"

"Probably. I was hungry, cereja, and I saw the souls there..."

"Haha, lame, limon" Lemon laughed out loud with her mouth full of choco banana hazelnut ice cream.

"Oh, saint fromage..."

"Ahaha, this is actually fun, is brea!"Blue said, taking a mouthful of frozen carrot souls. 

"It seems like it will never end..."Green said to herself, resting her head on her hands.

"You tell me, mon coeur?"

"Stop, spugna..."

This was really fun! Index here:

Ali- Russian (phenomenon)

Green-Italian (treasure, kidney, tomato, phenomenon, bear, cheese, sponge cake) 

Borvo- French (cat, rabbit, cordon bleu, saint cheese, my heart)

Violet-Portuguese (strawberry, pear, cherry)

Lemon-Turkish (lemon)

Blue-Irish (love)

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