LXXVI Henceforth

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A wild flying carrot broke Blue's window twice in the same day. Blue truly erupted this time, but Greenie was nowhere to be found so she welled it all up inside herself. 

Venta and Anubis also hid far away so they wouldn't be caught by the crazy witch who's been enchanting rurus again and again. 

The carrot steadily approached her, as if cautious of what could happen, and let the pink envelope next to her then withered away quickly. 

"Is that a love letter?" Venta whispered from the place she was hidden.

"Well, the previous love letter was black so I guess this one should be truly dangerous," Anubis answered. 

"Let's see."

Blue opened the envelope and sighed as she read the contents. 

"Green! Black! We already have a mission!"

"What, we just entered our vacation!" Green's voice was heard through the pipes. 

"The royalty never sleeps!" shouted Shufus who was eating in the kitchen. "My lady, let's proceed."

"But I don't wanna!" Blue collapsed on the carpet and started rolling on it. 

"Ah, not the tuna again," the three animals said. 

Green teleported and landed exactly on Blue, which caused both of them to stumble. 

"Ow! Green, take care where you're landing!"

"I could have never foreshadowed that you were lying on the carpet!" 

"Well now you do, get your ass off of me!" and Blue pushed Green aside, now they were both lying next to each other. 

"Who asked us to come?" the green one spoke.

"Maladie, obviously; she's the only one in that big palace, no?"

"Poor her, I pity her. I would never be able to live alone in such a big palace."

"Hm..." the other one hummed. "What do you think about the new Queen?"

"You know, the previous Queen let us a testament note."

"WHAT?! And when did you intend to show it to us?!"

"Sorry, I forgot about it. I think we have to read it in front of Maladie also."


"WHAT?!" Maladie's grin dropped as she was sitting behind a massive wooden desk, papers everywhere and two of the Three Guardians on the other side. "The previous Queen let a testament note?!"

"We were as shocked as you are right now, my Queen," Blue spoke, "but we think it would be best to read it in your presence also..."

"Hm...where is Black?"

"She's... on a date," Green cleared her throat, seemingly uncomfortable. 

"Ah, with the fake servant."

"You knew?" 

"I always knew. A guy this handsome would never be part of the servant house if it were after me. But, we'll talk about it later. Let's open the testament."

Blue and Green looked at each other worriedly, then back at the woman. 

"We can't. We do need Black to open it. It's a complex matter that requires..."

"All of your magic?"

"Yes, madam."

"I see. Then, I guess there's nothing we can do now, let's let the lovebirds be. I have a mission for the two of you. Do you know the little oak tree next to the Witchcraft school?" The girls nodded, nervous of what was going to come next. "The students have reported having seen a weird appearance under it during the night. I would like you to investigate..."

Blue and Green exchanged a confused look. 

"At night, Your Highness?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"There is no night on Arvagonia."

Maladie pursed her lips and averted her eyes. 

"I might have done something... without telling you first..."

"And that is..." Green and Blue leaned closer to the wooden desk. 

"I broke the light crystal. Now there is going to be a night on Arvagonia. We are moving more and more like the Earth is," once she saw the looks on her Guardian's faces she quickly tried to explain, " I did it for the future of our country! I realized that if something wasn't changed soon then we were going to experience a breakdown!"

"And you decided to bring night to Arvagonia?!" Green stood up in exasperation. 

"Green, calm down..." Blue tried to stop her from breaking something. The curly woman collapsed on the armchair, hiding her face with her hands and started saying weird words in ancient Arvagonian. 

"Anyway, this way we can grow new plants and make new commercial exchanges and improve our economy, also, arvagonians really could use some rest in complete darkness," Maladie tried to brush it off. 

"But what about the Soleil et la Lune Festival? What about the sunburnt people get when the sun rises? What about the tradition with the sunflower and the moonflower??" Green cried. 

"Ah, about that... I thought it wasn't any more necessary because it didn't work anyway. That story is just a nighttime fairytale. I doubt the people will mind."

Green sighed deeply and stood up once again, ready to leave. 

"Don't be angry at me, Greenie, you know that I mean no harm!" Green turned to meet Maladie's gaze once again and felt a rush of guilt inside her. She curtsied and left quickly, with Blue following her closely. 

"Where are we going?" Blue asked as they were walking on the marble hallway of the castle. 

"To the Old Oak, obviously. Let's see what happens there."

"But shouldn't we go at night?"

"Chances are that there might be some hints that we can see in daylight too, don't you think?"

"True enough..."

As they were walking rapidly, Blue bumped into someone she hadn't seen there. The stranger caught her by thr shoulders so that no one would fall, henceforth the woman looked at his face closely. 

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