~Secret Christmas Chapter~

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The fir tree was booming in all its existence in Blue's living room. Green globes, blue garlands and black lights were filling it and many, many, many chocolates. They were quite surprised that the decorations fitted the pink tree. 

"How's the food going, Black?" Blue yelled from the living room, since she was cleaning some invisible dirt from the shelves. Her apartment was already very clean, but she was quite the clean freak.

"It's horrible! Should the meat be yellow?"

"Not unless it's sick. Did you cure it?"

"How can I cure the meat, Blue?" a tiny bit of sarcasm filled her voice.

"Don't turn into Green, Blackie. I was just kidding. It's the egg that's making it yellow, isn't it?"

"The crocodile egg? I guess so. Oh, I have one more egg."

Blue could hear Black cracking the egg. Then a small gasp.  

"What's wrong? Did you spill it?"



Blue headed furiously to the kitchen, which was immaculately... blue. Black was in front of the table, flour was all over the place, egg shells were everywhere but not in the trash bin, the meat was sparkling golden in the oven and a tiny chicken was on the table. 

Blue's rosy cheeks turned brimming red. 

"Oh oh oh Merry Christmas sunshines!" Green entered the kitchen, imitating Red. Her Green dress had darker green stripes and a pointy hat was on her head. She smelled like fresh cut grass but the smell was immediately cut off by the disaster in the kitchen.

Green looked firstly at Black, her long black dress dirtied with egg yolk, flour and butter, then at Blue, whose presence was darker than Black, at the beautiful blue kitchen ruined by the cooking and the small chick on the table. Green gasped and waved her wand, then everything was back in its place. Except for the chick. 

Blue calmed down and seemed more gloomy than angry, while Black wasn't sure if she should approach her or... no. 

"What's with the chick?" Green asked, checking the golden meat in the oven.

"I was cracking crocodile eggs and..."


"And I was trying to make some food before the guests came and..."


They were quiet for a while, staring into space, then Green snapped out of it.

"It's Christmas, we shouldn't be gloomy or mad or panicked or whatever.

"Oh" the other two answered. 

"Q" a small voice was heard. 

Green jumped on the table, took out a magnifying glass and looked very closely at the small chick. 

"Even though it just came out of the egg, the fluff is already fluffy. And it's not even yellow. It's tuscan gold. The beak is dandelion and quite long for a baby chick. Its eyes are beady and raven and the legs are marigold so I'll assume it's not a baby chick, it is a..."

"A?" the other two approached and Green made the magnifying glass disappear while she looked at the two in a very ambiguous way. 



"A... baby Honey Dragon."

"The Honey Dragon?! Why was it in the market labelled as crocodile egg?" Black snapped.

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