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Green told Teal her plan, and, as soon as he understood, he pecked her on the forehead and teleported somewhere away. 

Green sighed and tried to stand up but her legs were wobbling so she fell back again. 

"Aren't you going to help me?" she said, without directly facing the person that's been there the whole time. 

"Why would I help you?"

"Fine, then don't," and she tried to stand up again but the legs gave in once again. She was kinda frustrated by the fact that now she couldn't even stand up properly, and that he was right there but wasn't helping her at all. Well, they never touched, never exchanged anything other than insults, and were both in that time of the year which made both of them feel very weak.

And the fight Green put up and having her wand broken once weakened her to the point she couldn't even stand up. She used up a lot of magic that day, and she shouldn't have done that. Now there's not much left...

Just as she was ready to fall again, he caught her by the arms and let her lean on him. The scent of pain inflicted her nose but she was glad that at least he was gentleman enough to help her. 

"Thank you," she whispered and tried to find a good enough position so she could walk. 

"I don't understand anything anymore. So you are Green Thorn but, at the same time, you aren't. And you're stupid but not really."

"You're the last person that I would ever allow to call me that," she quickly turned to face her. Their eyes met once again. 

"What do you want from me? I'm no better than you right now."

"Well, you can walk, and I bet you haven't used up all your magic yet."

"Have you?"

"Almost. I only have one spell left, I think."

"Wow, you really are stupid. You fought your brother knowing well that your magic is limited right now?!"

"Shut up! There was a reason why I did that."

"There's a reason for every stupid thing you've done today?"

"Yes, there is. Now shut up, I want silence."

"Too bad. I'm not going to do as you like."

"Ugh, if only I could stop this spell as well now..."

"Which one?"

"The one that's affecting my eyes. I'm half at fault for it, so it's been using up my magic for a while now..." she said, sighing again. 

"Let's go lean on the wall, maybe we can find a solution."

She nodded and they went there wobbling. They were sitting now in complete darkness and silence, one leaning on the other. 

"I can't believe it's coming to this now," he started the conversation. 

"Yea... but we had it coming sooner or later. It just happened to be sooner."

"I can't even imagine how Arvagonia is going to look after this."

"I bet we will move on. Sort things throughout. Redecorate perhaps."

"That would be nice..."

"Mhm," she nodded and closed her eyes once again, resting her head on his shoulder. 

"Hey, Green Thorn, do you..."

"Shh, someone is coming," they retracted their legs closer to the bodies so now nothing could see them. 

Some footsteps were approaching from their left; the person was walking furiously on the hallway and seemed to have a straight trajectory. 

Green closed her eyes. She knew those footsteps, she knew who walked that way. 

"Em..." she whispered and Borvo covered her mouth with his hand, seeming to be at his edge. 

Em was getting closer and closer until he passed by them, not noticing the two huddled up in a transparent sphere.

They waited until the footsteps became fainter and fainter, then Borvo let Green go. 

"That was my magic," he whispered so softly she could barely hear him. "I made a sphere make us invisible. It's very helpful when there are crazy fans about to rip you to shreds," he explained with a chuckle. But she didn't react. She was glaring at one spot on the floor, and she seemed to be in pain. "What's wrong?" 

"I... need... to... get... rid... of... the spell... right now."

"Got it," he sighed and leaned closer to her and applied Green the most effective spell-dispeller he knew. 

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