LV Who

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"It's over" she whispered in a peaceful tone. 

"What did you say, your Majesty?" the servant in charge of her spoke.

"Nothing, my dear, I was just thinking that it would have been nice if I could have attended my sons' party... I heard that the Guardians themselves organized it."

"Yes, your Highness, but... do you really trust those women? I've seen them. All they do is fool around all day. Can they really protect you?"

"They saved my life once, they can do it the second time too" she answered after a second of thought.

"But... can this really be called 'saved'? Excuse my impertinence, my Queen, but... I can't call staying in bed all day and night life. I mean... what is life to a bird who has lost its ability to fly? Don't you think..."

"That it'd rather be dead? Well, I wouldn't wish to any bird to lose its ability to fly, but, if it's still  alive, it means that there must be a reason behind it."

"Wise words, my Queen" the woman clapped her hands. "Now, would you like some soup?"

"Does it contain onioned onions?"

"Absolutely" she answered with a big smile. 

The maid fed the Queen, then the latter went to sleep. The woman's smile turned into a grin. 

"Sweet dreams, your Highness. May... who am I kidding, may you never wake up again!" and she took from her pocket an empty glass bottle. 

"It indeed is over."

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