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The night came and Blue, Black, and Green were watching over the school grounds with a magnifier to see what paranormal activity is there under the oak. Black has attended an elite school somewhere on the Island of Much, her hometown, so she wasn't very aware of the situation and of the Deliah Witchcraft School. She was happy when she finally finished school and realized that theirs was the only school that had orange uniforms, which she definitely despised. Deliah Witchcraft didn't have any uniforms whatsoever, even though it was the only wizarding school in the capital island, Arvagonia!

"Shh, I hear something!" Blue whispered and looked closer. They were situated in a tree, outside the school grounds but very close to the magical fence that surrounded it. 

Deliah Witchcraft school seemed like the most isolated building in Arvagonia, as the courtyard was very large and vast, occupying almost 20 percent of the island itself. Next to it, there is the Arvwood Forest, occupying 5 percent of the island and starts from inside the school's yard; right behind the building the island ends and there is void, and on the other side of the yard there is the Arv'd  River which separates the school grounds from the castle's grounds. There is a vast space enough for the many students that come from everywhere on the archipelago to learn in nature, the ecosystems, as well as how to ride a broom or a raindeer, as well as a dragon. 

"What is it, Blue?" Green asked. 

"Nothing anymore. I think I'm seeing something in the dark... is that... Black?! What is she doing there, she was right behind us!" and the girls turned behind them and saw the black clothed woman, sitting still in the dark; if it weren't for the milky skin and the brimming red lipstick, she would have merged with the night very well. 

"What?" she asked. 

Blue and Green looked again through the magical magnifying glass and put a night vision filter on it so that they could see clearly... yes! There was no mistake! It was Black, dancing next to the old oak tree! They turned again to see her friend standing in the exact same position they left her a couple of seconds ago, then Blue looked again through the glass while Green kept her eyes on Black. 

"So, if you're here, who is it that's doing ballet under that tree?" Black got on the same branch as they were and looked too. 

"Fleas and lice, she's behind everything!" Black cursed and used a wave of darkness to fly over there. Green and Blue remained where they were and just watched, not understanding anything. Black landed right next to her doppelgänger, who was dressed in a black ballerina costume, hair tied in a tight bun and the makeup of the swan. 

"What do you think are you doing here, sabbi*?!" 

"Enjoying life,  shaqiqa**, which you aren't, apparently..." the woman answered and continued her dancing undisturbed. 

sabbi= boy

shaqiqa= sister

"Stop it right now, Tiger! And what's with that attire?! Turn yourself back in this instant!"

"I don't wanna! What's your business here anyway?"

"What in Arvagonia are you doing here!? Weren't you supposed to be on the Much Island!!? Enjoying your life as the one who inherited dad's heritage? Are you here to make my life a more hell than you already made it?!" when Black said this, the other Black stopped dancing and faced her with a very disturbed face. 

"I did nothing. It's not my fault that I was the boy that was born in the family."

"Then what in heavens are you doing here, dancing like a ballerina in the school grounds?!"

Blue Black GreenWhere stories live. Discover now