LXIII Change

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"You've changed," Green told Teal. 

"Well, we all do at some point," he answered, nonchalantly. 

"Then, doesn't that mean that I've changed too?"

They were encircling each other, Green spinning the Liana Spear, while Teal had nothing in his hands but sarcasm and an annoying grin to his sister. 

"Now you're silent? I still can't comprehend why are you here now; last time I checked you were happily living on earth."

"And? It's prince Elijah and prince Elvis' birthday, no? How could I miss such an opportunity?"

"You're late."

He chuckled and that really got on her nerves. 

"How long are we going to walk in a circle?" her voice sounded impatient. 

"Oh, you tell me. You have the weapon."

"Take out yours too so we can fight."

"Who said I was going to fight?"

"Then why are you walking in a circle?!?!?" she was really angry now. 

"To annoy you, my dear little sister. You started it all. I never said I was going to fight."

"But you... and you.. and that and this and..." her head exploded. She was really embarrassed because Teal always made her feel stupid, and now was no exception. 

"Fufu, are you going to stop now? I'm starting to have cramps."

"You... YOU CURLY IDIOT!" she started running towards him, the spearhead first.  Just as the metal was supposed to pierce his chest, he jumped over her head and landed on his butt. 

"Ow ow ow I'm not fit enough for a fight," he cried. 

"Stand up, stupid brother! Fight like a man!"

"But you're no man," his sarcasm was only fuelling her anger. "Also, aren't you supposed to be The Guardian of Peace?"

Green was silent for a moment. 

"All Guardians are supposed to be Guardians of Peace," she stated, bluntly. 

"A ha ha, you really are an idiot then," he mumbled to himself, looking behind. 

"Well idiocy is running in our family, it seems," she started running towards him again. 

"Wait wait I haven't gotten up-" the spear got to shave the middle of his head as he ducked too late. But, right under her eyes, the shaven part grew back right away and was shinier and cleaner than before. "Phew, I thought I was done in for a second. See, I think that the potions you make are the only thing you do good."

That was the last drop. She tried piercing him again and he didn't even try to avoid the hit. The spear went right through the middle of the chest and it stopped when it was half of it outside, through the back. 

But... no blood was spilled. He put one of his hands on the body of the spear and slowly pulled it out of him. Teal had the liana spear now. 

Green jumped back, watching his every move. He still had a black hole in the middle of his chest, but it didn't seem to bother him. 

"Stupid, stupid sister. You still don't understand... You can't hurt me. You can't hurt me."

The curly man broke the spear in his hand. 

As Green saw it happen, it felt like her own heart was shattered into small pieces. Her chest felt very tight. She needed to fall down. 

"Now, do you understand, little - no - stupid sister? You really did change. But not for the better. What happened to that small, honest and hardworking girl who wanted to change the world into a better place someday? What happened to her?" they were very close now. 

"She... died."

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