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"What's this?!" she said as the others approached. 

Blue's eyes widened, Black's narrowed and Anubis looked kind of proud about his work. 

The banana transformed into a... tomato. A dark brown tomato. 

"Uh, Green? Are you sure this was one of the types?"

"Uh, yes, I think it is. I've never seen it myself, but I think both Light and Lightening have it... scribo destruo."

"Scribo destruo? That sounds cool! What's that?" Anubis beamed. 

"Uh, I think we have to start with the basics," Green said as the other three went and sat down on the blue sofa. Green fluttered her feather and some glowing words appeared as she spoke. "Scribo, Lego and Loquor. These are the three types of magic."

Scribo was written with the color hazelnut, Lego with a lilac nuance and Loquor with a sunny shade. 

"Each one of these three have two branches: Scribo has creo and destruo;  Lego has obtineo and intellego, and Loquor has incantatio and pareo."

Creo (to create) appeared with some roots rooting from it and destruo (to destroy) like a life taking thing; obtineo (to obtain) shined like a diamond and intellego (to understand) looked like a starry sky; incantatio (to speak, to chant) had sound waves coming from it and pareo ( to subject, to enchain) had chains wrapped around it. 

"Every mage has one of these branches, never both. But, there are some very special mages that have two of these branches, and they are called Guardians. Incidentally, Blue, Black and I are the Guardians."

"What's so special about the Guardians?"

"Anu, it means that I have both the power of creo and destruo. I can also create and destroy. Blue has both incantatio and pareo, she can both enchant and enchain. Black has both obtineo and intellego, she can both obtain and understand."

"Oh, these were the translations" Anubis whistled. "OK, I'm bored. Can I have something to eat?"

"Water, hay and spanking" Green answered, pissed off. 

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