LXXV Apple

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The flying carrot broke Blue's window once again. This time, every tenant of the Three Apartment Complex was just chilling around in the lowest's apartment, doing something similar to nothing. 

The carrot flew over to Black and took a seat in her lap, where there resided a food plate. The pale woman took the black letter calmly and read it. 

Venta and Anubis, who were sitting on each other, looked curiously at the woman. 

"Don't black letters mean danger?"Venta spoke. 

"Though I guess she has to be addressed with black letters, otherwise she'll become the danger. Imagine the Blue one owning something that is not blue," the black dog answered. 

"Scary," the poor monkey trembled. 

"Hey, shouldn't the flying carrot wither away? Like it happened last time?"

"I don't know, I wasn't there last time."

"Anu, what did I exactly tell you last time something similar happened?" Green spoke as she hid behind the couch from an angry Blue whose window was just broken. The blonde woman gave up on scowling at the brunette and repaired the window herself, whispering rurus

"Let me remember... The carrot will wither away because the owner set it to do that, no?" Green nodded, "Then does that mean that this time the sender wants the Black one to reply?"

"Smart doggie," Green walked over to where he was lounging, (the middle of the blue carpet) and gave him the petting of his life. 

"Uuuufff, why doesn't the Black one ever congratulate me like that every time I say something smart?" Venta was on the verge of exploding. 

"Who knows, maybe she knows that you usually say smart stuff, no?" Green stopped midway from scratching Anubis' neck and everyone looked at the black one, who was reading the black letter, blushing and smiling and letting out weird monkey noises. 

"Is it from Mitis?" Blue appeared out of nowhere behind Black and was reading the letter over her shoulder. 

"What?!" Black was startled and quickly took the note out of Blue's field of vision. 

"Ooh, that's so romantic!" Green also appeared out of nowhere and was reading from an awkward position the letter.

"NO!!!! Stay away!!! It's mine!!" 

"C'mon, just a second! We don't hide anything from each other, no?"

"That's so not true! Green, stay away from the letter!"

"Are you going to reply to him? Or are you gonna finish eating first?"

"Wait, does the green part of the carrot smell like... apples?"Blue was sniffing it. 

"What? The hair of the carrot smells like apples?!" Green quickly stood up and took the carrot, sniffed it then stole it as she teleported to her room with a big grin. 

"No!" Black teleported after her into Green's apartment, but the curly one wasn't there... "GREEN! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY STUFF!"  and she teleported again to her own room, where she found Green perfuming the carrot with her perfume... 

"Done! Now it smells like jasmine!" she grinned again and handed it to Black who used her magic to envelop the woman in a transparent, floating black sphere. "No, what are you doing!"

But Black made that sphere especially soundless. She couldn't hear whatever the victim was saying, and she also cast a spell that prohibited anyone else teleport/enter her room. 

"Now, Greenie Crispus, you are going to help me write a reply to this love letter. But I can't hear any elongated opinions, so you just have to nod or shake your head when you hear what I am saying, got it?" 

Green narrowed her eyes in disgust but still nodded after sighing. 

"How do I start... My dear?" at this, Green acted like she was vomiting. "Come on, he told me that first!" then Green shakingly nodded, "What's next? Hm... I always think about your eyes..." Green acted like she was biting a sphere, "What?! I don't want to bite his eyeballs!" Green started laughing so hard she had to hold her belly and Black blushed heavily. "What are you doing there, you idiot!? Help me already!!" Green wiped away her tears, still laughing, then she used her magic to create a fictional green apple and to bite it, then Black oohed as she understood. "I always think about your apple-green eyes?" Green nodded and gave her the ok. "Then... And your soft curly hair?" Green yawned and Black blushed again. "Then what do I write? You are the creator here, not me! Tell me!" she begged and Green grinned. 

"Show me his letter," she mimicked and Black stuck the black letter on the sphere's wall. "What's this?! I can't read anything! Did he also use black ink on the black paper?!"

Black nodded. "The dark never bothered me anyway," she shrugged her shoulders. 

"Read it out loud, then!" Green mimicked again and Black proceeded, but still had to let out the monkey noises at every word and to blush heavily. 

"My dear black rose, 

Your dark eyes have been hunting me in my sleep, and, recently, in my daylight vision too... I can't take you out of my head, I keep seeing you everywhere and hearing your dear voice call out to me... Oh, how I wish I could fly over to you and  show you, my love, how much you mean to me! I want to keep you close, to hold you in my arms and to never let you go...

My dear, I would come only for your eyes! Only for you... just ask, and I'll come! Since now you know me, my past, my scars, I want to know yours too. All of them and each and every one of them, for I feel so empty and hurting when you're not with me... I feel like I'm missing half of myself. 

Please, lovely, let me see your eyes once again! Even once is enough!

Yours truly, Mitis."

Green started crying genuinely and with no restraints, for which Black hurriedly popped the bubble her prisoner was imprisoned. 

"So?" Black asked.

"Black. Go and meet him."

"What? What about the reply?"

"This guy would fight the whole Underclouds for you. Go and meet him. Dunno, give him a time and place, just do it. Even I can't reply to such a... such a..."


"Astonishing and astounding and gorgeous and wonderful and whatever other words can you find. Just... go."

"Shall I write Cafe XD?"

"NO! Write... under the jasmine tree next to the Arv'd river. Yea, that is a nice place."

"Are you saying this from experience or..."

"Don't ask," Green blushed. "If you would excuse me, I'd like to go in my room and cry over how unskilled I am," thus, Green tried to teleport but Black still hadn't lifted the spell, so she just tried to use the door, but hit her face in it as it didn't open. "Black, you're making my epic stage exit awkward and embarrassing. Lift the prohibere spell already."

"Right, sorry. I'll do so now."


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