XIV Initially

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"Hapukie Padukie!" Green sneezed and the twins burst into a hysterical laugh.
"Now's my chance" she whispered and ran away. As she got out the cake shop she bumped into someone and fell back. He caught her by the wrists and pulled her back to her feet. Their eyes locked: green met blue. His outstanding white suit glimmered weirdly in the pale pink light, her eyes tried to adjust to that presence. He was the last person Green would ever want to meet.
Morvo. Borvo Morvo.
"He stared at her. She at him. He didn't want to let go of her tiny wrists" Lightening narrated.
"There's something happening here, I tell you. Am I the only one who thinks that Borvo... doesn't know that the little one is actually his long lost enemy?"
"Is this..." Lightening gasped. "Love" they whispered at the same time and Green glared at them. Borvo was still unmoved.
"Oh my, take care where you're going, little girl" he let her go and curtsied, and she gave him a mock face. She couldn't pretend she's not who she is, sarcasm had to get out of her mouth. So she curtsied too and ran quick and fast.

"Hapukie padukie!" Black sneezed. Her only free hand covered her mouth and Blue was startled by the sudden movement. She started laughing.
''Wait, Blue, stop laughing - hapukie padukie!" She sneezed again and Blue's laugh intensified. The dried wood was starting to crack, and Blue wanted very badly to cover her mouth but she really couldn't.
"Blue stop stop stop you're making me sneeze mo-hapukie paduk-uuh!" She sneezed half out half in. Blue's laughter stopped and soundless giggles came out of her, until she burst into laugh again and continuously. Her laugh was catchy. Black started laughing too. Their laughs, combined, made the branch laugh too. The whole Underclouds were booming of their laughter and they just couldn't stop.
"What are you doing there" a deep and childish voice could be heard, and Blue and Black halted because they weren't expecting visitors. Anubis, in his black dog form, was walking upside down on the dark tree.
"Anubis! Where is your aunt?"
"Auntie? Well... she lost me a while ago"
"Could you give us a little help?"
"Me? Why don't you try coming down."
"But we're falling!"
"You're falling because you think you're falling, but thinking of not falling will help you stop falling" he said in one breath, matter-of-factually. 
"You really take after your aunt" Black cried happiness tears.

Blue Black GreenWhere stories live. Discover now