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"Hey, Lemon?"

"Yes, Crimson?"

"Don't you think that it's... kinda creepy in here?"

"Because it's dark? Yea..."

"Should we get out?"

"I haven't finished eating yet."

"Ok... five more minutes. Then we should head back to the ballroom. Think that Blue is worried about us?"

"No? I don't think so."

What they didn't know is that, meanwhile, Blue was still stuffing her face with chocolate and crying. 

'How did this happen? I can't stop... What's going on...' she thought. It seems that the spell Em and Green cast had another effect on her... since she wasn't looking at the dancing pair, she couldn't stop in her tracks but couldn't stop at all. She was blocked in her act of eating chocolate. 

'Ugh...  I feel like puking... there must be something that can stop me...Rurus? No, that only makes something come back to the initial state; I don't want to start all over again. What if I ... Oh. I know exactly what to do. I need to find out what's going on. I know I'm gonna suffer afterward but I must try this. Animus.'

Softly, her soul parted from her body. It looked just like her, but it was all blue and transparent.

"Sorry, body, I have to leave you behind in order to dispell this... spell. Who cast it anyway?!"

She looked around the ballroom. Everyone was still except for some: Em Thread, who was doing something at one of the food tables, Prince Elijah who was crying in a corner, and Prince Elvis and Princess Elanna who were still dancing around. They didn't seem to observe that everyone was... breathless. 

She went over to her friends: Burgundy, Turquoise, and Violet were the only ones she could find. They were all leaning on some of the tables and were sadly and worriedly looking forward, all at the same spot. Blue tried to find their object of interest, but there was nothing that piqued her attention. Then, she realized that nearly everyone had their eyes set on the same spot, in the middle of the dance floor, which was empty, as if something was missing. 

"Hm..." Blue scratched her chin. "Something smells fishy... and it's not the tuna from next table. Where are Black and Green?"

The poor soul looked around and couldn't find them. 

"Wait! Why am I the only one left out?! Just you wait and see what I'm gonna do to you..."

Blue went on a rampage around the whole castle. Now that her soul was free from the body, she could fly around and be faster than she could ever imagine. 

But one thing struck in her particular: it was dark. A thick darkness was covering Arvagonia like a blanket. 

Blue Black GreenWhere stories live. Discover now