VII Types

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"Persona" she said as she transformed into a 10 years old girl. Her long juniper green dress also fit her small figure and her round face. She was taller than Anubis, and that maybe only proved the girls that he was actually a little kid. 

With built up muscles. 

"First thing first" Green said as she held up her wand, "let's find out what type of magic you have. If you do have one..."

"What do you mean?" he said as he followed her around the big living room. 

Blue's apartment was the tidiest among the three, because it was the first floor. Next up was Black who had her stuff laying on the floor but still was tidier than Green's; she was at the top level so she took the freedom to make her apartment a living mess. She claimed that it helped her work and she didn't let anyone enter in there. No one. 

Green raised her wand as some sparkling dust trailed it and she said: "coepi"

in front of her a big green banana appeared. 

Anubis looked confused at it and Green simply giggled. 

"Now, my dear nephew, all you have to is to touch the banana and depending on its color we will find out what type of magic you have. And if its color doesn't change, it means you can go home."

Anubis gulped and stretched his hand to touch the green banana but he was still too awkward with the situation so he kept his body far from it so it wouldn't accidentally hurt him or something. 

As his fingertips touched the surface of the green banana, it started glittering and moving. Anubis retracted his hand as if it burned and went to hide behind a sofa, while Black and Blue watched the scene before their eyes in awe. Green's smile suddenly faded as the banana's color settled. 

"What's this?!" she said as the others approached. 

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