LXXX Firefly

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As two hours had passed in which Blue scolded Green about the importance of telling best friends when you get engaged, also Black was wondering why she needed permission to go on a date while Green already got engaged without even telling them. Also, Black explained that she had heard about that from Em and she wasn't sure whether that was real and also started scolding poor Greenie who has just come from the hospital. To make matters worse, Anubis, Venta, and Shufus took Blue and Black's side and Green had to take scolds from 5 different voices and opinions, apologizing for not telling them because she wanted to wait till things got better and peaceful, and upon so many changes she completely forgot. Also, Black said that Em seemed pretty disappointed that Green was cheating on him with Borvo and wasn't sure whether the relationship was going to work until the end and that made Green burst into tears and had to tell them what happened night with Borvo and how he had helped her by casting the strongest dispeller he knew and by that she was able to walk on her own and do magic again since the spell Em had put on her was taking a great toll from her. 

"Wait, what's the strongest dispeller?" Anubis asked.  

Black and Blue looked very disappointed at Green. 

"It's a kiss, Anubis. The strongest dispeller is a kiss in which the caster forcibly puts magic into the victim and thus any spell that was on the victim is being replaced by the other person."

Anubis, Venta, and Shufus gasped dramatically but Blue and Black's glarings were unmoved from Green's guilty and apologetic face. 

"Does that mean that the Reverse-Cupid potion was also dispelled from the two of you?" Blue sighed with hope. 

Green nodded slowly. 

"Green, are you sure you want to marry Em after all that he has done?" Black put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "I mean, you know that he is evil and he helped the princes bring darkness over Arvagonia and he was so ready to kill me, right?" Green nodded again, still not looking at anyone. "So?"

Green looked at the silver ring Em gave her that day. She remembered how they were sitting on the top of a hill behind the Arvagonian Residence Place, facing the sky and letting the breeze and the flowers tickle them as they felt like the only ones in the world. 

'Doll, I have something I have to confess. I am not the one you thought that I was...' he started. 

'And who do you think I thought you were?' she answered, giggling when he couldn't answer. 'Listen, Em, perhaps you do not know who I am either. Do you know who you are?' Em couldn't answer at that either, so he just shut up and gazed at the skies. 

'No, the thing is, I don't even know who I am. And now that I think about it, all I know about you is that you are the chosen Green Guardian, that your magic power is beyond anyone's thought, that you love the choco mocha banana ice cream extra spicy with cinnamon and hazelnuts, that you like silence and that you have a large family and lots of annoying siblings... And that you have the most just and purest soul I have ever seen.'

'Then you haven't seen many souls, dear. Hey, listen, all I know about you is that your soul is kinder than anyone else's and that you work hard whatever you do. I might not know who you are, but when you find out, I'll love you all the same.'

'But you can't call it love if you don't know me! You haven't seen me at my darkest, when I'm angry, sad, when I obey, when I cry and-'

'But I've seen you when you laughed, when you worked hard and when you were the firefly in my dark. Listen, Em, I'll never forget the day you decided to talk to me regardless of everyone's opinion.' He laughed. 

'We were kids then, Green!'

'But everything was real. My struggle to stay alive every day was real. My struggle to not punch and kill everyone was a real one. Yet when you came at that art class and decided you were going to do the project with me I finally saw light for the first time in my life! And, since then, you kept lighting it until my vision was as clear as day. Because you accepted me I was able to accept myself and move on and also not care what others said. Because of you I could live on.'

When she finally looked at him to see his reaction, was surprised to see him crying, eyes wide open and staring into space. 

'Are you okay?' she asked, shifting so that she could face him. Em turned his stare to Green and just admired her without saying anything. They kissed a tender kiss and again felt like it was only them in that world, that they were alone and that no one and nothing could disturb them, not even themselves. 

That was when he slipped the silver ring on her finger and she smiled at him, him at her. 

Green's eyes let out the tears while she was in dreamland.  Blue and Black hugged her. 

"Think it thoroughly, Greenie, nobody wants you to make a bad decision, okay?" Blue wiped her tears and Black nodded, approving of the advice. 

Green sobbed and cried again and again until the remaining hour has passed and it was time to meet with Burgundy. 

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