III Servant

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Blue, Black and Green were calmly strolling the bubbly floating pavements, trying to figure out the changes in the picture. They haven't been home in a long time, and Arvagonia is an ever-changing kingdom.

Making their way through witches and wizards, looking at the shop-keepers selling their fruity stock, they almost got lost.

"A witch is never lost" Black mumbled the primary rule of witchdom. "It should be around here... Our home, that's it."

"Black, I think we've been on this alley  already..."Green pouted.

"Don't you dare to say that! It's bad omen!" Blue scolded.

"Blue, we're witches. Humans consider us bad omens..." 

"Green! We're not humans! I couldn't care less for that weird race without any powers or talent."

"That's not in your character, Blue. Could it be, maybe, that you're panicking? You're over-sweating. And fidgeting. And you've kept looking behind us for a while now..."

"Those are the symptoms of... Night-Outside-Alone fear..." Black concluded.

"Are you an idiot? There's no night in Arvagonia!"

"Maybe, but on Earth there is. You.. You're afraid of humans, aren't you?"

"Who wouldn't be!? Those filthy creatures... they show no humanity and act like very problematic things. They think they have all sorts of problems and die of depression, when it's actually nothing!"

"Blue... That's deep..." Green bro-fisted her. 

"You, simpletons, have any idea how can we reach our apartment complex?!"

"Why not ask someone?"

"Then you do the talking, Blue."

"What? Why me?"

"You're the most charming out of the three of us, now go!"

"What reason is this?!" but she went anyway, followed by the other two closely. 

Black was too shy and Green never said the right words, and she was to short and easily intimidated by people.In this case, Blue was the perfect fit to ask strangers for directions.

"Oh, the Three Apartment Complex? It's long gone!"said the young boy she asked. "Wait, aren't you the Three Guardian Witches?! Blue-" he pointed at Blue, "Green" he pointed at her, "and Black!" he raised his arms in awe. "I can't believe it! You're back~! Now Arvagonia can go back to normal!"

The boy was just a few centimeters taller than Black, probably taller than her without heels, he has got curly brown hair and big green eyes, and a huge smile. And super skinny. 

"Who're you?" Black asked nervously.

"Me? I am so unimportant, my humble name is Mitis... I am a servant at the Royal Court."

"Oh. And what's wrong with Arvagonia?"

"Well, you wouldn't believe it, but... Somehow, there is some disturbance in the Royal Family- Ups! I said too much! I'm glad I could meet ya~! Maybe we can meet again!" and he ran off with a bag of groceries in his arm. 

"What a noisy kid" Green said."Why are you sighing, Black?"


"Calm down, Blue! You're making me laugh! Have you forgotten that we're witches? We can build them again! Somewhere where we can find them easily."

"Green, I hate to say this, but you're right."

"Why do you hate to say this?"

"Whatever. Can you do the honors?"


Green took out of her long, green glove, a feather. That feather was her wand. She swung it in a circles pattern and colorful glitter dust was let as traces of the pattern. 

"here we go" Green whispered and a colorful explosion set on the blue sky, and a pale pink cloud appeared. On it, a Blue bin rose, and on it a Black bin, and on the top a Green one. Blue, Black, Green. Though it may look like they were some clean trash bins, one for bottles, one for waste and one for recyclables, inside there were some... Complex apartments. 

"Oh, home sweet home!" Blue said as she waltzed inside her bin, Black followed, flying to the door of the black one, and Green simply jumped inside hers. 

Now, why Green was the one who had the honor to do this? Because Green's magic was a constructive one. She creates stuff. Black uses (not black magic, but black glitter) manipulative magic, which can make things levitate, disappear or appear, and it can also change a human's appearance or way of thinking. Blue has singing magic. She uses her angelic voice to make thing happen. She is also the only one chanting or simply sliding some hums to do her magic. There are also different types of magic, and everyone learns at the School of Witchcraft the base of magic, spells and potions. Next, there is a Magic College witches and wizards attend to so they can focus on a type of magic, and so did the girls. 

The inside of their homes wasn't any different from a human's: a kitchen, a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and a cellar of potions. Green had all her furniture green, black,black and blue,blue. 

"I think we're forgetting something, girls" Green yelled. They had a pipe which ran through all their bins and they could communicate through it.

"You don't say, Wizardlock!" Blue answered.

"Yea... What's the dispute within the Royal Family?"Black continued.

"It can't possibly be the proposal the Queen asked us to do, is it?"

"Girls, let's settle it tomorrow. I am so tired! I haven't walked this much in my whole life! Or ran!"Black cried.

"You're right, we do deserve a good nap."

"Good nap!"

"Good nap!"

"Good nap."

They were taking good naps. As mentioned, there's no moon, so no night, above the clouds, in Arvagonia.


"How's it with the plan?" a deep voice asked from the throne in the big marble room.

"It's going according to what we have decided, sire" a woman's voice answered.

"Great. Not long until the Earth belongs to me."

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