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Meanwhile, Lemon was stuffing herself at the food table, with Crimson and Blue. 

"Bluie, this food is so amazing! Where did you order it from?" Lemon's voice was shaking.

"Fohm a kihan (From the kitchen)" she answered with her mouth full. 

"Which one?" Crimson added. 

"A oyal oe (The royal one)."

Crimson and Lemon glanced at each other. "Let's go there," they said at the same time what they were thinking. 

They sneaked behind Blue's back as she was stuffing herself with some more shpruck and hogst and maman. 

shpruck - looks like a kebab

hogst- wurst but in a more delicious way

maman-  flavored polenta

As Crimson and Lemon passed by the many employees they were giggling, wondering if they were going to be caught or no... well, they did this countless times and they would do anything for food , all that was needed was to know where to take it from... and now, they had a target: the royal kitchen. 

"I bet they have ambrosia there," Crimson said, licking her lips. 

"Why, of course. And... I bet they have... homemade chocolate" the two swooned at the mere hearing of the word being spoken. 

Homemade chocolate was one of the hardest to find and most expensive foods in Arvagonia. One can't simply make chocolate at home, it needs special preparations that a normal household cannot achieve, and even so, the dessert won't come out successful. The one found in the store isn't as great as the homemade one and most arvagonians get to taste it only once in a lifetime. When they come of age, they are given from the royal house a bar of homemade chocolate. 

The two reached the door of the kitchen and now were wondering whether to go in or wait to see if someone is going to exit it. 

As they were expecting, a maid opened the kitchen door and got out, while Crimson and Lemon were hiding. They finally approved to enter. Their heads popped out of the slightly creaked door, and what they saw there left them shocked for life. 

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