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If it weren't for the Raindeer Guard, Blue and Green would have made it to the Old Oak inside the Witchcraft School's grounds more easily. They had to be weary of the old raindeer who's been patrolling the yard ever since the school was founded. 

"But somehow the students made it here at night, we can during the day too," Green said as she was hiding under a bush while Blue was wide in the open. 

"Why are you hiding, dummy?"

"I'm hiding from the raindeer, obviously!"

"Green. We are The Guardians of Arvagonia. Let's show him our pass and he'll let us investigate."

"I can't do that."


"Because he and I have a long history..."

"Eh? I thought you were a saint in school..."

"I was, only... during school hours."

"Eh~ The wise and good Greenie Crispus Thorn used to be a rebel? Why, did you use to kiss boys under the Old Oak?"

"Blue! That's so not true!"

"No? Then what was it?" Now they were both in the open, and a certain raindeer spotted them and was now waiting for them to finish their discussion so they could notice him too. 

"My lady, I think we should stop now and go home..." said Shufus who was hiding behind the blonde's ear and acting like her earring as a tiny lizard. 

"Why so, Shufi?"

"There's a huge gazelle eyeing us..."

"A what?" now Green and Blue turned and saw it. And stopped in their tracks. 

The Raindeer Guardian was a reindeer, only it was a raindeer; it had dark and wet fur and its horns were curled and very long, bird nests hanging from it. Also, its nose and eyes were blue. 

"What a majestic creature!" whispered Anubis, whom his auntie transformed into a laurel earring. 

"Oh, if it isn't Green over there!" the deer spoke with a majestic voice, "What brings you back to school? Have you finally failed?"

Green was trembling from nervousness (or anger or fear), but just smiled a forced grin to the Guard. 

"Ah, and is that... Blue Sky next to you? Oh, well, miss Sky, how come you are also back? Did you also fail?" 

Blue imitated Green. 

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