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"Melanie?" Mitis asked as he gasped. Green blinked quickly at him.

"No, this is Green. I was turned into a child and my wand was stolen. Mitis, have you seen Black and Blue-wait who's Melanie?"


✧¸¸.•*¨*• •*¨*•.¸¸✧

"What?" Anubis cast aside a huge black leaf and looked at the fuming glade. 

"What?" the girls asked as they looked at the very usual sight in the Underclouds. 

"This is not good... This is where we heard Venta scream..."


"It was burning earlier! That means Venta and the others are in danger!"

"Anubis, we've been in danger since we teleported here. The whole place is screaming 'danger'. I bet your friends are dangerous too" Blue commented like it was very obvious.

Anubis gave them a skeptical look. 

"Anyways, let's find them quick. The gals know everything that's going on in here. If you need anything, they are who you should ask."

"Oh well... Let's find them. Where are they to be found?" Black agreed.

Anubis gave them another skeptical look. 

"Are you guys sick or anything? Is my aunt the only sane one around you? Has she given you potions as well?"


"Nothing" he quickly headed forwards and walked through the glade, smelled the earth and the scorching black leaves. 

"Do not inhale the fumes, they are toxic" he concluded.


"Oh, I'm immune."

"How come?"

"Auntie is the potion master around here, ain't she?"

"So she did use you as a lab rat!"


"Nothing" they turned around to inspect the possible clues for finding Venta and the others.


"Okay, so you're not Melanie" Mitis concluded, gently caressing his chin with his thumb. 

"That's what I've been trying to explain to you for the past half an hour" Green was panting and sweating. It was quite hard to make Mitis understand that her name is not Melanie. 

"Oh well, why didn't you say so from the beginning?"

Green face-slapped herself hard. And once more with the other hand. 

"So, how can I help you, Lady Green?"

Green rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked Mitis dead in the eyes: his green eyes were greener than hers, and his hair might be curlier than hers. She took down her twin tails and let her hair flow freely. 

"I want you to take me to the mages of the castle."

Mitis looked blankly at her. 

"No, sorry" he bluntly answered.


"The castle is closed for visitors."


"The Queen is dying. She was given a potato."

"And where are Blue and Black? The only way to cure the potatoness is to take the Kola sap from the trees Underclouds..."

"They know that, and they're already there. I tried to stop them but..." his eyes glittered as if he was ready to cry.

"Why did you try to stop them? They have never been to the Underclouds and they always wanted to visit-or was that me?" she whispered at the end.

"Well the Underclouds is quite in a ruckus right now..."

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