LVIII Sentiment

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The erasing of sentiment was none of Em's intentions. No, on the contrary, he wasn't sure if he could have sentiments on his own either. 

But here he was, holding her by the side in one arm, and her big hand in the other. They were simply gazing and smiling at each other while swirling in gallant dance steps. He has never ever expected to be this happy to be with Green Thorn in the middle of attention, in the middle of a huge crowd. He was happy that they had those masks which somehow hid them from the world as they were the in its center. 

Her smile seemed authentic, even though her eyes were shining in an unnatural way. He knew he was responsible for it, and he was blaming himself for it every single moment. But he had to do it. It wasn't his will. But it was hers. 

He remembers the moment when she finally fell in his arms, drugged by his voice, he let out a maleficent laugh which wasn't intended. But he did. She was barely conscious and in the moment he felt her in his arms, with nobody there to judge them, he felt as if he had the world. Green was looking at him with blank, barely opened eyes, which seemed so hurt they couldn't react anymore. 

And he remembered that... he actually was in love with her. He just didn't realize that. He fell in love with her all the way back, in their first year of Witchcraft school, when she looked at him through her wild curls, and he  glanced back, not knowing what was going to happen. She bewitched him. 

But he was a machine and he couldn't - shouldn't - have feelings. No, he wasn't created to have feelings. The Lord intended him to be the end of the Guardians, at least one of them, that's why he was infiltrated in the school, to hunt them. He realized from the first glance that she was going to be the Green Guardian. She was quiet, skilled and quick to action, and had such a serious nature that it was hard to believe she was just a child. Also... she seemed sad. She seemed lonely. 

And now, there she was, in his arms, looking sad yet again. It was not what he intended. The plan was to give her the ice cream, then to sing the spell that was going to put her under his control. 

No, he didn't want it. He didn't want her to be sad ever again. He promised himself he was going to make Green happy. He took her home, and because he didn't know exactly which was her apartment, he just carefully lay her on the floor with the open window, kissed her forehead then left, regretting every inch of him. 

Now, Em looked at Green, and smiled, his eyes teary; he was glad that she couldn't see that behind the mask. For just a second, he let her eyes become her natural color, and she didn't change an inch. It meant the world to him. 

There was just one thing left to do... to destroy Arvagonia and they could be together forever. 

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