Long Time, No See

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We curved through the old buildings, praying that we weren't lost. Most of the buildings looked unfamiliar to me, but as soon as I saw a familiar, I seemed to take a wrong turn. I could tell the others were getting tired and frustrated, but they kept it to themselves.

"Hey, I'm sorry guys. We'll find it soon" I assured them. I hope, I thought.

"We're sure you will" MK said trying to sound positive, but there was a small hint of doubt.

I continued to lead them through alleyways and back streets until something caught my eye. A brick building, like the rest, but it had a rickety look to it, unlike the others which were stable. A small smile crept onto my face before I could stop myself. My stomach churned with giddiness and anxiety. I marched ahead to the door, and knocked on it. There was a rustling noise and a crash. The door handle clicked and the door creaked open.

I smiled as shock and confusion spread across Ben's face.

"Hi" I said with a small wave.

"Uh, hi. You know what I'm going to ask next, right?" Ben said.

"It's a long story"

"I believe it" Ben replied.

Gabby cleared her throat in an obnoxious manner.

"Oh" I said, glaring at Gabby, "These are my friends"

They causally introduced themselves, and Ben invited us in. The group went in and admired Ben's makeshift workshop, but I stayed in the back trying not to look impressed. Ben stayed back with me and I gave him the brief synopsis of how and why we were down there.

"Sounds like you guys have been through a lot" Ben observed.

I shrugged, trying to look tough, but failing miserably.

"So" he continued, "I know where the Flame is, but there's a tiny problem"

"Which is?" I urged.

"We are forbidden to go there"

"So, just tell us where it is. No one has to know it was you"

"Word travels fast in Agartha, and there are eyes everywhere" Ben said.

I sighed.

He stayed quiet before saying, "But, I'll help you guys"

I gave him a smile.

Ben nodded.

Everyone finish looking around and walked up to Ben and I.

"Now what?" Gabby demanded.

Dan put a hand on her shoulder, and she glared at him. He pulled his hand off, obviously scared by Gabby. I bit back a laugh.

"Ben is going to show us where the Flame is" I said, looking at Ben.

"You guys ready?" Ben asked.

They all nodded and started out the door onto the stone streets.

We all walked along side of Ben while making our way through back ways, away from people. James walked a long side of me as we talked.

"Why didn't you tell us about him?" James whispered.

"I didn't think that was important" I whispered back.

"Well, I still would have liked to know. It's pretty significant to me"

"I'm sorry. It didn't seem like a big deal"

James had a look on his face like he was sorry that he had brought it up.

"So, how are you holding up?" James asked me, changing the subject.

"Just fine" I laughed, relieved to have the subject changed.

We continued walking until Ben caught my eye. He kept glancing at James and I out of the corner of his eye every so often. James noticed too, and he shifted around uncomfortably. James then draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. At first I was a little uncomfortable, but I started to like it. I casually leaned my head closer to him. I looked at James and he was giving Ben a hard stare, even though Ben had stopped looking at us. I think Ben got the message when James put his arm around me.

At the edge of the stone road was a Quartz path leading up to a white temple.

Ben pointed to the temple.
"That is where we're going"

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