Shadow Travel

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   After 4 long days of travel and practice with Eric, the special night came.

"Ok Amanda, this is the last time I'm going to tell you this, FOCUS. I can tell you're distracted" Eric said.

He was right, I was thinking about how I was going to lead this quest.

"You have to be able to focus in distressing times! Let's go" he said, clapping his hands.

Seriously, I thought.

I thought about moving right next to Eric, who's was only a few feet away. I focused on moonlight, also. Then, it happened. Water felt like it was rushing underneath of me, running all the way to my finger tips. I felt like I was traveling at the speed of light, which I was. Everything was blindingly bright and dark at the same time. I could feel my cheeks flapping in the super sonic winds. I was excited but scared at the same time, so I closed my eyes for the 0.000004 seconds that I was moving. I opened my eyes and I was next to Eric. All he did was nod his head in accomplishment, but I could tell he was holding back pride. I could see the gleam in his dark eyes.

   "Well?" I asked.

"You did fine" Eric said, suddenly his old self again. The quiet awkward one.

   We walked back to the bus and hopped on. I was ready to get off this bus soon because of the nasty food. That was a good thing, though. Because the next stop was Michigan.

Sorry that this chapter was really short, I'll do better next time, I promise, ;). Bye.

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