Rocks at my Window

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   The rest of the week went by like normal. I had lessons, meals, and played capture the flag at the end of the week. I made some new friends, too. Tonight, though, started a chain of events that I could have never imagined.
   "Night" Thalia said when all the girls got into bed.
"Night" a few whispered back.
I settled under my covers and quickly fell asleep.

"Huh?" I grunted, half opening my eyes.
Something made the windows rattle ever so slightly.
Surprisingly none of the girls woke up. It must have been about 1 'o clock in the morning and I could barley keep my eyes open. I tiptoed over the window to see what was happening, and when I saw who it was I slipped on my flip flops and head out the door.
   It was colder than I would have thought for a summer night. I could see a faint outline of my breath when I spoke.

"Yes?" I asked in a harsh whisper, "Can I help you?"

"Hello to you to" James said.

"What do you need?"

"Well I needed to talk to you. Whenever I tried to talk to you, or you to me, those 'Forever Alone' girls got in the way"

"Oh. Well, talk"

"No, not here. Follow me" James said.

"We aren't running another marathon to get to the Hudson River, are we?"

"No, let's go"
   I gasped when I saw the beach. There was a checkered blanket set up on the sand, and nothing else. It was so simple and perfect.
"I found this place when I first arrived. I felt like it was calling to me. I like to think of it as my 'Secret Cove'. Does that sound stupid?"

"No, not at all" I said with true sympathy.

"Cool, come sit down" he beaconed me over to the blanket where he was sitting.

Omg! I thought Is this a date, or what?!
I sighed.

"Is something wrong?" James asked.

I realized it was staring into space with an idiotic grin on my face. I wiped the look off my face, and said "Yeah, no. Totally fine"

I sat down awkwardly next to him, at the far end of the blanket. He every so slightly scooted towards me, and I almost fainted. I know we just met, but I feel like I could trust him.

"I'm sorry" James said.

"For what?"


"What do you mean?" I asked, super confused.

"I just, oh never mind. It's, I don't know. I feel like I'm doing this to fast," he turned towards me, "I feel like I can talk to you. I feel like I can trust you more than anyone else. I know I just met you less than a week ago, but I feel like we- I like you, Amanda. I'm sorry that this is going so fast. I understand if you don't feel the same way" he started to get up. I leaned over really quickly, and before I knew what I was doing, I kissed his sea salty cheek. I pulled away "I like you too".
He smiled. "Good, because that makes this moment a lot better" he put his arm around me.
I sighed. We gazed into each other's eyes, but quickly looked away.
   I was shivering, and my arms were sprouting goosebumps so much. James must have realized, and gave me his jacket. It felt cliche, but at the same time it felt nice. We stared at the landscape of the moon's reflection in the water until I was asleep on his chest.

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