Where Am I?

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   Dan, Gabby, and I sprinted to the other side of the room. James was standing in the corner, staring at a man.

The man front the bus stop.

I would recognize him any where. His dark skin and the mysterious, far away look. He looked like a happy yet confused male supermodel. James motioned for us to come over there with him.

"He's done nothing so far, except have a good time. I do sense something off about him, though" James explained.

We all nodded.

"I say we just go in for the prey, and tackle him" Gabby said, pounding her fists.

"No!" Dan objected, putting his arm in front of Gabby so she couldn't advance on the man.

Gabby heaved a sigh and an angry expression.

"Look, we need to do this strategically. I'll bring him out of here and into the supply warehouse that's off the right wing of the building. The rest of you follow me and we'll corner him. Got it?" I explained.

"Yep" the said in unison.

I fixed my hair and walked over to the man. Up close, I could tell that he was in his late 20s- early 30s. I cleared my throat.

"Um, excuse me, sir, came you help me find something?" I asked in the sweetest voice I could manage.

He stopped laughing at a dirty joke one of his guy friends made and looked at me.

"Uh, sure, I guess. Later guys, I'll be right back" he said to his friends.

I skipped out of the party room with this man at my heels, still trying to seem sweet.

I hate skipping.

We made our way down the hall, when the most disturbing thought hit me. First of all, this guy didn't ask any questions. Second, this man hasn't hesitated. It was way to easy. The storage room was a few feet away and I could hear the slight echo of my friends' footsteps. I went to turn around and ask this guy a question when he pushed me into the cramped storage unit.


"So, demigod, were you trying to trick me? I'm one of the nicer gods, but still. Tsk tsk" He said before shutting the door. I heard my 3 friends rush to the door.

"Listen, you said you would help us if we found you and passed your test. So help us" I demanded.

"Feisty, I'll remember that. But silly demigod, you haven't passed The Test yet"


The door flew open and Gabby's foot was in the air.

"If you've laid a finger on my friend, you're dead!" Gabby threatened him.

I'm her friend!

Sorry, I mean we're buds. 😊

"Time for The Test" The man said.

"What the h-" Gabby started before she melted away into the air as did James, Dan, and I.

The man had teleported us to an odd place. As the scene behind me came into focus, I was thinking of the horrible things that could go wrong. When I could finally see the landscape clearly, I was filled with dread. I was in the tree farm.

But where was I really?

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