2. The Royal Family of the Lahey's

Start from the beginning

"Hi, Allison.  By any chance are you and Isaac going to the reunion?" I ask.

"Yeah, I actually think we are. I was thinking that it would be good for Isaac and I to get out of the house and have my Dad watch her," she informs me, before she abruptly changed the topic. "Oh, and do you remember Liam and Hayden?"

"Yeah, the kid that fell in the hole and the kid that fell in the hole's girlfriend. How could I forget those two?" I reply as we both start to laugh.

"Did you know they are getting married, I was talking to Hayden about a week ago when she shared the news," Allison divulged excitedly.

"I guess I will have to congratulate him on the phone later, and then reprimand him for not telling me the news before Allison. But hopefully, his marriage will last longer than mine did," I sigh.

"Stiles..." Allison sighed.  "Malia just wasn't the one meant to be with the Stiles Stilinski. She wasn't right for you. Besides I never really liked you two together anyways. You were always better off as friends. How are you doing with it all, you know Malia and your Dad?" She asked concerned.

"It's still sinking in." After a short pause, I change the topic.  "Do you know anyone else that is attending the reunion?"

"Well if you're asking about Lydia... then yes.  As a matter of fact, I talked to her this morning and I can announce that her Aiden, Ethan, Danny, and even Jackson are going. I was surprised, she called here earlier. I haven't spoken to her since she graduated from college, it was totally out of the blue. We talked for about two hours today, but Issac forced me to hang up the phone because Isaac had to go shopping for a new toilet since Rachel shoved a Barbie doll down it." I chuckled while Allison continued, "I know your guy brain is probably wondering if Lydia asked about you and I can happily report that she did. She also told me that now she is living with Jackson but don't worry they are not involved with one another in any way, so there might still be hope left for you," Allison says.

Allison is one of the most adorable and genuinely pleasant people you will ever meet in life, but I am constantly bothered by her endless supply of hope. The way my life has been going so far I just don't believe in it. I know that her intentions are good but unlike me she has someone, and if you want to get romantic she has her other half. So no matter how many times she rephrases her sentences I will unfortunately probably never believe in hope.

"Thanks, Allison," I reply with sarcasm. "All I need is to be set up and get married to someone new before Malia beats me to it. Out of all people, why did you have to bring up the topic of Lydia Martin? I am over the little crush I had on her in her high school, we never were a thing and never had the potential to develop into something more, because she never felt the same as I did," I explain to her.

"Oh please! It's never been one-sided! Stiles we all know that once you and Lydia see each other at the reunion you guys are going to realize that you are perfect for each other and then make beautiful redheaded babies with your sarcastic remarks and her fashion sense. Issac bets you both will finally realize you're meant to be with one another when she walks back into the doors of Beacon Hills. However, I think it's when you guys start talking and she says something that makes you blush. Therefore go with mine so I can beat Issac."

"For starters,Allison, her hair is strawberry blonde," I correct her.

She interrupts me.  "Only you would make that observation."

I mentally roll my eyes at her comment. "Whatever. My question for you is, where the hell do you get your imagination from? I give Issac a lot of credit for listening to you fantasize about things that will never happen."

"Whatever, Stiles they are my thoughts slash predictions and they will come true someday," she told me and sounded absolutely convinced.

"Someday," I snicker, "Yeah that is going to take awhile because Allison she is already married to Parrish. Remember? I don't think he would be too happy if he heard that you're trying to conspire against him to try and replace him as Lydia's husband," I laugh but Allison remains silent.

"Um... Stiles, Parrish died like four years ago," she slowly speaks into the phone

There is a moment of silence between the two of us, mainly because I am just in shock. Until I speak up not knowing how to respond to the news, "well that must have taken a toll on her." I sigh and fixate my position on my couch.

"Yeah, Lydia didn't say much about how he died. Also, she said that her roommate in college, Laney apparently had a serious relationship with Jackson. Jackson was even going to propose to her, but she died before he ever got the chance," Allison informed.

"Well, why didn't Lydia predict both of their deaths to prevent or warn the both of them that they were going to die? She should have known that something would happen to them since she is a banshee," I reasoned.

"Lydia, told me that her powers stopped working about a year after high school. She said it was like one day they were there and then they just disappeared," she explained.

"Oh," I reply.

"Stiles, can we talk later? Rachel is refusing to take her bath and Issac is losing his patience," Allison speaks nervously and immediately hangs up the phone before I could say goodbye.

After Allison hung up her phone, my mind drifted. How sad did she feel when Parrish and her roommate died? Was she depressed for a long amount of time? Did she shed a thousand tears? Who consoled her in her time of need? Has she moved on? Did she start to date someone else or is she single? Then I wonder about what Allison was saying about their conversation on the phone.  Did she still have feelings for me? But most importantly, is she happy?

And I thought my life was miserable. Somehow her life seemed to be ten times worse and all I wanted more than anything in the world was for this girl to find happiness. I just want her to be happy, that's all I ever wanted for her, even if we aren't close to each other anymore.


1) Thoughts on this chapter...

-Malia and Stiles divorced

-Rachel Lahey

2) Isaac and Allison's little girl is named Rachel after Rachel from FRIENDS.

^a very good show by the way so I suggest that you watch it.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and if I am keeping you engaged so consider giving this a star or giving me some feedback.


Rose :)

A Beacon Hills Reunion-STYDIA AUWhere stories live. Discover now