Chapter 102: Our First Cruise (pt. 1)

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Whenever I'm listening to a song, no matter what song, I think of Emison. And I make up a little story in my head of Emison based off of the song. And then I try to actually write a story, but it doesn't work. Also, BECHLOE IS MAKING ME SO EMO. MY (newly) 8 YEAR OLD SISTER WANTS THEM TO DATE ALSO.

Emily POV:
"Yes, we're going on a cruise." I chuckle at Tyler's reaction.

"Where are we stopping?" He questions as he takes his bags out of the uber.

"Cozumel, Cayman Islands, and Jamaica." Spencer answers.

"NOICE!" Tyler shouts.

Everyone laughs, and we get in line. "How long until we board?" He questions.

"About an hour." I answer.

Tyler nods his head. "Cool beans."

I laugh. "So, are you going to meet some hot girls on the boat?"

Tyler smirks. "Totally." He answers, sounding like some laid-back surfer dude.

We all get our boarding passes, and sit in the waiting area. "This is boring. Can we please just board the ship?" Tyler groans.

"They have to finish getting it ready." I tell him.

After waiting for what feels like forever, we finally start boarding.

"WHO'S READY TO PARTY?!" Tyler shouts once we've made it onto the ship.

A bunch of people start cheering, and Tyler smirks. "THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!" He yells excitedly.

I roll my eyes. "You're an idiot."

"You're jealous."

I roll my eyes again. "Why would I be jealous of you? I have an amazing wife and five beautiful kids." I say. Tyler sighs. "No need to brag."

We have to wait a couple more hours before we get our luggage and can go into our room.

Tyler goes with our parents. Hanna goes with Caleb and Carter. Aria goes with her parents and Mike. Jason goes with his and Alison's parents. Spencer goes with Toby and her parents. Awkward. Ashley, Ted, and Tom are in a room together, even more awkward. And Alison, me, and the kids go to our own room.

"Four people to a room, right?" Tyler questions.

"Yeah. But ours is mostly babies, so it's allowed." I say with a smile.

We quickly start unpacking our many suitcases, putting clothes on the drawers and the three small closets.

As we finish packing, it's already five thirty. "Dinner is in thirty minutes." I remind Alison, who is sitting on the balcony. "It's casual night."

Alison looks out into the ocean. We left about port about an hour ago. "Look at the view!" She says in complete and utter awe.

I walk out, and look out at the sunset over the ocean. I look back at Alison. "It's a beautiful sight." I say, admiring her facial features.

Alison turns her head and looks at me. "I meant the sunset." She giggles embarrassed, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"So?" I ask. "I was looking at you."

"I'm a hot mess."

"You are a hot mess. You are my beautiful mess." I smile with love.

Alison smiles at me. "I love you."

"I'm in love with you." I say back.

"I'm more in love with you." She argues.

"You keep telling yourself that." I chuckle. "But no matter what, no matter how much you tell me, as much as you try to convince me, I'll always love you the most. And there's no denying that." I state.

"Whatever." Alison sighs. "I love you more."

"Okay..." I trail off with a smile. "Just keep saying that."

I walk back into the room and start getting dressed for dinner. I put on a white sweater shirt, black leggings, a black and white flannel tied around my waist with black combat boots. "I'm ready for dinner. Now you have to come in here and get your cute butt ready." I call out to Alison. I start curling my hair.

Alison walks inside, and sighs. "I'm loving this already."

"Me too." I smile a closed-mouth smile.

She strips down and and gets dressed in a white sundress with a jean jacket and white wedges. Then she straightens her hair. "I'm ready." She cheers.

We dress Eden and Charlotte in white jeans and red cotton v-necks with black Converse. The boys just wear blue long sleeve onesies and black pants. They're two months old, no need to dress to impress.

By the time we're ready, it's already past six ten. "We're ten minutes late." Alison says. "Come on!"

I grab Isaiah and Ronan, and Alison gets Charlotte and Dylan. Eden follows behind us.

We arrive at dinner and everyone is already seated. "Sorry we're late. We have lots of people to get ready." I say.

The waiter smiles. "It's fine. I'm your waiter, Costin. I am from Romania..." He goes on, telling us a bit about himself. Then he reads us the menu.

"Braised ox tongue?!" Tyler shrieks. Mike laughs. "I'm getting that."

"Gross." Tyler chuckles. Mike laughs. "It's an appetizer. I'll also have a romaine Caesar salad and prime rib."

Everyone orders what they want.

By the time we've finished dinner, it's already seven forty. "Let's get drunk!" Alison cheers.

I laugh. "You are twenty years old, girly."

Alison pouts. "Damn it."

"But I'll get you a drink." I whisper to her.

We make Tyler and Mike go back to our room and babysit Carter, Charlotte, Eden, Isaiah, Ronan, and Dylan.

By the time we get back, it's two in the morning and we're completely shit-faced.

"We have to be up in six hours." I say, laughing hysterically.

Hanna laughs loudly, holding her stomach. "Well, shit!" She exclaims.

Tyler and Mike go back to their rooms, and Alison and I lay on our bed.

"Day one was a success." Alison giggles.

A/N Guys, help. Bechloe is going to make my heart burst. All the fanfictions I found are either over (since like 2012-2014), or they haven't been updated in forever. Or the writing isn't very well. BUT I FOUND THIS ONE ON FANFICTION.NET THAT IS AMAZING 😍😍 IS WAS UPDATED YESTERDAY. Someone write me a Bechloe fanfic and I'll love you forever. 😫😍

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