Chapter 100: Love Them

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98% sure I'm straight 😳 and this is stressing me out big time 😩

Juan week later

Emily POV:
"When are the babies coming home?" Eden asks for the tenth time today.

"Next week." I answer. "I have to go to work, I'll see you later." I say, and give her a hug and kiss.

"Mommy!" She yells after me.

"I'll see you later, girly!" I say, and close the door.

Charlotte is as happy as can be without the babies home yet.

I go to work for a few hours, and take some pictures of my clients, obviously since I'm a photographer. I'm also a swim coach, but it's not exactly swimming season in Rosewood.

I get my paycheck, and then leave. While I'm walking to my car, I get a call from the hospital.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hi. Is this Alison Fields?" The person asks.

"This is her wife, Emily." I chuckle. "How can I help you?" I ask.

"I was just informed to call you and tell you the babies are ready to come home." She says.

I gasp. "Really?!"

"Really." The lady chuckles.

"We'll be there soon!" I say.

"Babe!" I yell excitedly as soon as I walk inside the house.

"Yes?" She asks.

"I got a call from the hospital-"

"Are the babies okay?!" She cuts me off, worried.

"They're fine! You didn't let me finish!" I chuckle. "They get to come home!"

"Really?!" Alison exclaims.

"Really!" I answer.

Alison starts jumping up and down like a little kid on Christmas, making me laugh.

"Why are you so happy?" Eden asks as she walks inside with Ellie.

"You're brothers get to come home!" Alison exclaims.

Eden freezes and drops Ellie's leash. "Really?!" She yells.

"Yes!" Alison yells back.

Charlotte walks inside with her sand toys, and looks at Alison and Eden. "Why are you screaming?"

"Isaiah, Dylan, and Ronan are coming home!" Eden tells her.

"Oh." Charlotte says, unamused.

We get all the diaper bags, and start heading out the door. "Bye, Ellie. I love you." Eden says to Ellie, giving her a hug and a kiss on her head.

(A/N Literally me when I leave for school)

"We shouldn't tell anyone." I say to Alison. "About the babies coming home."

"Why not?" Alison questions.

"Don't you want some time alone with them before people invade our house?" I half joke.

Alison thinks for a few seconds. "Touché."

We arrive at the hospital, and Eden nearly falls out of the car from being so excited.

"When your brothers get here, you can't jump over the seat like that." Alison tells her with a laugh.

Eden nods her head. "I know."

We get all three of the boys car seats, and Eden and Charlotte walk ahead of us, hand in hand.

"She'll warm up to them." I say. "Right?"

Alison sighs. "It may take a few minutes, to a couple of weeks."


"We're hooome!" Eden exclaims. Ellie jumps up, and trots over to her. "We got babies!" Eden says in a sing-song voice.

I set Isaiah and Dylan down on the table, and Alison puts Ronan on the counter.

"Mama!" Charlotte yells.

"Yes, baby?" Alison asks.

"Were will they sleep?"

Alison looks at me. "Time to pull all of the old baby supplies out."

Within an hour, all of the jumpers, swings, bassinets, and any other baby product you can think of is pulled out.

"And once again, the house was a baby safe haven." I joke.

Charlotte sits on the counter next to Ronan, and looks at all of the babies.

(A/N I sneezed three times just while writing that short paragraph)

"Please I hold him?" She asks, pointing at Ronan.

Alison looks at me, and smiles.

"Do you love your brothers?" I ask.

Charlotte looks at me and smiles. "Yeah!"

We let her hold Isaiah and Ronan, since Dylan is too small for her.

Of course, Ronan spits up on her. "I don't like him." Charlotte says, trying to hand him to Alison. "Here ya go, mama."

Charlotte lays on my lap, and looks up at me with Isaiah's pacifier in her mouth. "I a baby!" She giggles.

I smile. "You'll always be my baby."

A/N I need suggestions for this story so it doesn't get even more boring.

On another note, 100 chapters!!

I went on a cruise. It was amazing. I couldn't use wattpad or snapchat for a week.

So, what did I miss on Shay's snapchat?? I saw she was talking about Emison/Sasha.😍 What did I miss on it? 😩😍

Also, can someone please suggest some good Bechloe fanfictions? I've recently become obsessed with them.😍😍 I'm also watching Pitch Perfect right now.

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