Chapter 17: Time Heals All

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*title from jamia618 read her stores. They're awesome* *and leave some suggestions* *posting this because some of you asked, and I'm going to sleep. So, you won't get an update in the morning. Around 4 PM Texas time should be the next update*


Emily POV:
"Can you believe the nerve of that girl?!" I shriek.

"She bullies me and hurts me, apologizes, and just expects me to forgive her!" I yell as I pace around my room.

"Emily, she didn't demand forgiveness. She was just asking, and she knows it's going to take time." Tyler tells me.

"You're not helping!" I shout with a high pitched voice.

"Time heals all." He tells me.

"What?" I ask as I turn my head towards him.

He sighs, and purses his lips together. "Nothing." He says quietly, and gets up.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I shout so he can hear me.

He's already halfway downstairs, jumping down the last five steps or so, and leaves the house.

I see him through the window, speeding down the road on his longboard.

"UGH!" I groan loudly and fall backwards onto my bed.

Our parents are in Texas for the summer, so I have to house to myself.

What to do, what to do...



Alison POV:
I arrive at my house, and Eden is already asleep in her car seat.

I sigh, and get out of my seat, grabbing the keys and my bag on the way out.

I open he back door, and carefully pick up Eden and go inside.

"Jason?" I call out quietly.

"In here!" He shouts back from the kitchen.

"I'm going to go lay Eden down, then I'll start getting dinner prepared." I tell him.

"Alright." He answers, and takes a bite out of an apple. "Oh, by the way, mom and dad are in New York." He tells me.

"I know." I say in a matter-of-fact tone and sigh before trudging up the stairs.

I lay Eden down in her bed, and retreat downstairs to get dinner prepared.

I decide to just make fettuccine with alfredo sauce and grilled chicken and asparagus.


"Here, J." I say as I hand Jason his plate.

"Thanks, Al." He says with a smile.

We talk and joke around laughing at each other as we eat dinner together.

Eden is awake by now, and she keep throwing noodles at Jason and me.

"Eden, quit it!" Jason chuckles.

Eden giggles, and continues to throw the food.

"Eden, no ma'am." I scold her.

"I sowwy." She mutters as she sticks her bottom lip out, causing me and Jason to both laugh.


Emily POV:
"Tyler, what do you want for dinner?!" I shout up the stairs.

"Uhm...I don't know. Take out?" He says as more of a question.

I roll my eyes, and go to the kitchen.

I pull out pasta, red sauce, and ingredients for spaghetti and meatballs.

After about an hour or so, everything is ready.

I set the two plates of spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread, and fresh veggies.

"Tyler, dinner is ready!" I yell up to him.

"What took so long? I thought we were getting take out." He says.

"We had take out last night, dumb ass." I say, and hit him lightly in the back of the head.

"Ow!" He laughs.

I smile at him, and hug him around his shoulders.

I'm glad I have this idiot in my life.

After we finish dinner, we get into our swimsuits and go outside.

We wait thirty minutes before jumping into the pool and wrestling.


Alison POV:
I step out of the shower, and quickly dry my hair and get my pajamas on.

Time heals all...

Time heals all...

Time heals all...



"Wake up, little sis!" I hear Jason shout.

"What?" I groan, as turn over to look at him and my daughter.

"Someone's at the door for you." He tells me.

I get up and walk downstairs, not thinking about my appearance, and open the door.

Emily POV:
I wait on Alison's porch for her, playing with my fingers and rocking back and forth on my heels.

When she opens the for, I'm stunned.

Who would've that the day would come when the most popular girl in town would look like this?

She has on plaid white, purple, and blue pajama pants that are hanging low on her waist, and the purple tank top she is also wearing is falling off of her. Literally.

The straps on hanging off her shoulders, and revealing a lot of skin.

Skin as in boobs. Which is a total turn on for me.

Her hair in also in a messy bun, and her eyes are hazy and red.

"You sleepy?" I chuckle.

Surprisingly, she also laughs lightly, and gives me a sleepy smile.

"Hey, Emily." She says tiredly.

"Wait, I just-" I say, and pull out my phone.

I quickly take a picture of her, and put my phone back in my pocket.

"That was rude." She says quietly, and I smile at her.

"Oh, well." I say, and she giggles.

"What's up?" She asks after a few seconds.

"I forgive you."

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