Chapter 22: Beauty

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Alison POV:
I wake up in the warmth and comfort of someone's bed.

I turn over, and see Eden and Emily sleeping peacefully, and Eden is wrapped in Emily's arms.

I smile, and grab my phone.

Thank god I brought it with me last light.

I open the camera, and take a picture of my two sleeping beauties.

I post it to Instagram, captioning it:

I'm being replaced... #EdenAndEmily ❤️👸🏽👶🏼

Surprisingly, at this hour, I get likes and comments.

Caleb.Rivers: Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can.

Toby_C: I agree with Caleb. Soak it all in, Blondie.

Spencer.H: Annnd...BAM! Emily has a sweet, loving side to her.

Hanna.Rivers: Awe! Baby fever! 😓😅😇

Aria.M: Let me go shopping for some clothes for Eden. She's too cute! 😍❤️ I guess Em is, too. 😉

I also get some comments from people like Noel and Jenna saying how cute they are. And a few other people from school.

I smile, and put my phone away.

I just sit there and look at Emily and Eden's faces, enjoying the view.

Eden's pale skin against Emily's tan skin is something truly beautiful in its own special way.

After about ten minutes, Eden stirs.

While trying to roll over, Eden elbows Emily in the nose with her tiny arm.

Emily groans in response, and opens her now watery eyes.

"Morning." I say casually.

"What time is it?" She asks tiredly.

Let me just say...Her morning voice is fucking sexy.

I look at the time on my phone, and look back at Emily.

"Nine fifteen." I tell her.

"I was thinking about going to the clinic today, and I was wondering if you could go with me?" I ask.

"Of course." She responds, and flashes me a sleepy grin.

"Mama sick." Eden says and she kisses my forehead.


Emily POV:
"Alison DiLaurentis!" The lady says.

I probably should've paid attention when she told Alison and me what she is.

We left Eden at my house.

Tyler loves her like a sister, and my dad will get to enjoy having a baby around now.

We go in, and Alison lies down on the table.

"Okay. Lift up your shirt, and I'm going to apply this gel. Now it might be-"

"Cold?" Alison cuts her off. "I know."

She does whatever you have to do-I don't really understand this stuff-and finds the baby's heartbeat.

"There it is!" The nurse or whatever says happily.

I see Alison's eyes light up as she stares at the screen.

To be honest, all I see is a blob of black, white, and gray.

I look at it confused until the nurse points something out.

"There's the baby's little feet." She says, pointing.

Ah, now I see.

I feel my heart flutter, and butterflies in my stomach.

"Wooow..." I whisper in amazement.

Alison giggles, and the nurse does, too.

"Sorry." I say.

"It's fine." The nurse says.

"Um, how far along?" I ask.

After a few minutes, the nurse answers me.

"I'd say eight to nine weeks." She tells us.

I internally groan.

There's still seven months until this tiny human is here.

"I have a question." I say.

"Ask away." The nurse smiles.

"When can you tell the sex of the baby?" I ask.

"Around twelve to sixteen weeks." She tells us, mostly me though.

Okay. Four to eight weeks. I can wait that long.

But what if Alison doesn't want to?

What am I saying? We aren't even dating.

"Would you like to see it in 3D?" Megan, the nurse, asks.

"Sure." Alison says.

She shows us, and I accidentally think out loud.

"Ew. That looks creepy."

Alison rolls her eyes, and I look more closely.

"Look at their little feet!" I gush.

"She's never seen an ultrasound, obviously." Alison says to Megan.

"I have to! It's just...been a while."

"Clearly." Alison says.

After we're finished, we get up, and go to the car.

As we're sitting in the car, I think back to everything that's happened between Alison and me in the last few months.

"Hey, Alison?"


"Will you be my girlfriend?"





Just to get this over with...

Girls names:

Emilia or Amelia?

(Do you understand the point of those names? If so, comment on the line and explain it.)

Or do you have another name in mind?

I also like Charlotte, Easton, Bryn, Braylee and Imogene.

(Im, not I'm. Like in, but with an m. Im-o-jean)

Boys names:

Easton, Bradley, Lucas, Carter or Carson.


So, yeah...


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