Chapter 54: Positive

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This chapter is honestly so irrelevant. But, whatever. I'm in Colorado with my family. And my phone is about to die. So... You'll have to deal with this sucky ass chapter. Sorry. Fr. ✌🏻️


Emily POV:
"Alright. We should. But anytime we time to think, or we just need a break, we come here. Okay?" Alison tells me.

"Okay." I smile and give her another kiss.

"Mmm...You taste good." Alison whispers against my lips.

"What do you mean by that?" I smirk and wink at her.

"Shut up." She mumbles with a closed mouth smile.

I bite my bottom lip and give her another kiss.

"Okay. Let's go." I giggle and lave our fingers together.

We get up and start walking back to the library.


"We're back!" I call out.

"Yay! Where'd you go?" Hanna asks cheerfully.

Alison smiles and kisses my temple.

"That's for us to know and you to find out." I giggle.



Hanna POV:
"Have you told them?" Caleb asks me with a concerned look.

"I couldn't! We were all enjoying ourselves and I didn't want to ruin it by dropping a big bomb like that on them." I explain to Caleb.

"I understand." He whispers and wraps his strong arms around me. "What if you get the thing and hide it in an obvious spot?" He suggests.

"That's a good idea." I sigh.

"Alright. I'll see you later, babe."

"Bye, Caleb."

"I love you, Hanna."

"I love you, too, Caleb." I smile and kiss his lips.

He leaves out the door and I run up to my room.

I grab the small white object and hide it in my covers.

I call all the girls to come over and have a movie night.

"I'm here, Lady H!" I hear Alison's voice yell.

I run downstairs and give her a hug.

"Where's your other half?" I ask.

"She had swim practice. She'll be here soon." She reassures me.

I nod my head and smile at her.

"I'll take your stuff upstairs. There's food and drinks in the kitchen." I tell her. "Where's are the girls?"

"At Jason's, of course with Tyler." She tells me. "I think Eden loves them more than she loves me." She adds with a pout.

"That's not trey. You know that." I giggle.

I take Alison's stuff upstairs and let out a deep breath.

"This is it, Han." I whisper to myself.

"Team Sparia is here!" I hear Aria's voice ring through the house.

I run downstairs and smile at them.

"Hello, ladies." I greet.

"Hello, Hanna." Aria giggles in the same tone and hugs me.

"Where's Em?" Spencer questions.

"Alison told me she had swim practice. She should be here soon." I tell them.

"Oh. Cool." Spencer responds and walks into the kitchen.

I follow her, Aria trailing behind me, and smile.

"Is there any alcohol?" Alison questions.

"No!" I say a little too quickly and loudly. "No alcohol tonight."

"Okayyy, then." Spencer drags out, eyeing me suspiciously.

"I didn't buy any." I lie. "My mom will notice if we take hers." I lie again.

"Wow. Thee Hanna Marin doesn't want to risk it and drink alcohol. That's a first." Alison says in shock.

"I'm here!" I hear Emily's voice shout and the door slam.


"Ah! Fuck!" Aria yells when the demon jumps out in front of the camera on Paranormal Activity.

Emily was just standing up, thinking it was over, but fell backwards back on the bed with a small scream.

"I thought it was over!" She exclaims and holds her chest.

(A/N That happened to me. Lmao.)

I laugh and Spencer moves around in my bed and freezes.

She takes her hand out from underneath the covers and look at me.

"What is this?" She questions.

"A test." I say nonchalantly.

"It's not just any test, Hanna!" She exclaims. "It's a pregnancy test!"

"And it has a plus sign on it!" Aria adds in pure shock.

"Pft! What?! That's impossible!" I scoff nervously.

The girls all eye me and I sigh.

"I put it there for you to find." I say.

"Well...Care to explain?" Alison questions.

Emison: You Know What They SayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon