Chapter 18: People Are Cruel

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Alison POV:
"I forgive you." Emily blurts out.

"W-What?" I ask shocked.

"I forgive you, but you need to know how much you hurt me." She tells me.

"O-Okay..." I say quietly.

She sighs, and looks side to side, behind her, and in my house making sure there's no one else watching or listening.

"Emily, what is it?" I ask worriedly.

She lets out another sigh, and lifts up her sleeve to reveal at least fifteen cuts or so on her wrist.

"Emily, I'm sorry." I whisper as tears sting my eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt you to that extent. I didn't want to hurt you."

"I know that now. Someone hurt you. I understand that. But please, don't go putting other people down to feel better about your self." She pleads.

"Life can do terrible things." I say quietly.

"What?" She asks confused.

"It's the lyrics from a song. Life can do terrible things to people." I say.

Emily POV:
"Well what terrible thing did life do to you?" I ask curiously.

"...I can't tell you that." Alison says quietly.

"Yes, you can." I say, my Canadian accent coming out when I say can.

"...Come inside." She tells me.

I step inside, and I smell the familiar smell of Alison's perfume.

"Are you the only one ever home?" I ask. "Well you and Eden."

"Pretty much. Why? My brother just layer Eden down so she's probably sleeping again, and he's in his room. Eden always wakes up and falls asleep again after thirty minutes or so. She's weird."

"Your house smells like your perfume." I say casually. "It's nice. Relaxing."

She smiles shyly and I see a light blush form on her pale cheeks.

"Follow me." She says quietly.

She walks up the stairs, and I follow behind her.

I may or may not be staring at her ass...

She slowly and quietly opens the door to her bedroom, and we go in.

I couldn't help but notice there are barely any pictures on the walls, and the house is an eerie quiet.

"Eden is sleeping, so be quiet." She tells me, and takes a seat on her bed.

I just stand there, listening to the light snores of Eden sleeping in her crib.

I can't imagine having to wake up at night to a crying baby. The crib is all the way across the room from Alison's bed.

"You can sit down." Alison giggles quietly.

I take a seat, and I sink into the fluff and comfort of Alison's bed.

"So...Tell me. What did life do to you, Blondie?" I ask in a non joking way.

"It was actually a person." She says, and I hear her voice crack slightly.

I tense, and look at her intently.

"I'm here for you if you need me. Now go on. Tell me." I say. "No pressure." I add, and Alison squeaks out a laugh.

She takes in a deep breath and swallows before looking me in the eyes.

"It was this guy named Jake." She begins.

That's all it takes for me to freeze, realizing right away what happened.

A guy. The way she's talking. The way she's acting.

A terrible thing.

"It was around two years ago, and I was at a party with Jason. Which I shouldn't have been at. Sex, drugs, drinking, nasty stuff. Everyone there was about five to six years older than me. I was fifteen for crying out loud! I was an easy target. And it was my own fault. I was flirting with this guy, Jake, he seemed nice. He got me a drink and it either had alcohol in it, or a date rape drug. I don't know. And after about ten minutes, I was out of it. He took me to a room, and pinned me to the bed. He had to be at least twice my size. And he...he..."

"Alison, you don't have to say it." I cut her off.

She has tears streaming down her soft cheeks, and her eyes are glistening.

Her make up is also running down her cheeks, and her messy bun is now lop sided.

Her tank top straps are falling off of her shoulders even more now, and her eyes are red and puffy. Her bottom lip is quivering ever so slightly, and her cheeks are puffed out and tear stained.

She's a beautiful mess.

(A/N I fucking love that line.)

"People are cruel." I choke out, trying not to cry after hearing Alison's story and seeing her like this.

She laughs a broken laugh, and looks at me. "They're toads."

I smile lightly at her, and embrace her in the "Emily Fields Hug" as Tyler calls it.

"Did your parents do anything about it?" I question after I pull away.

"We went to the police, but they couldn't find Jake anywhere." She tells me.

"I'm going to find him." I say in determination.

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