Chapter 25: Apartment?

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*You're lucky I already have chapters written.*

Alison POV:
"Apartment hunting?" I ask confused.

"Yeah. I'll be eighteen next month, so I get to move out." She tells me.

"Tyler is going to visit, and you are going to be also. So it needs to be in a safe place." She adds.

"I'm in." Hanna says.

"Same." Spencer chimes in.

"Sounds like fun!" Aria beams with a smile on her face.

"Shall we get going? I've already found some online that I want to look at." Emily says.

"Uh, sure." I say, and the other girls nod their heads.


"This one is a one bedroom, one bath-"

"Nope." Emily cuts the guy off.

"Why'd you choose this one to look at?" Spencer laughs.

"It's nice. I just wanted to see it in person." She says.

"You're wasting everyone's time, Em." Aria says.

Emily smiles, and we walk out to go to the next apartment.


"Emily POV:
"This is nice!" I exclaim.

"Emily, this isn't even an apartment. It's a house on the beach." Aria says to me.

"So? It's nice. And I can afford it. And it has four bedrooms. And two and a half baths. And it's close to home." I say.

"I'll take it." I say to the realtor.

I sign the papers, and me and the girls all go walking on the beach.

Alison POV:
As we're walking, Hanna pushes Emily, and Emily falls into a pile of dirt.

"Hanna!" Emily shrieks.

Emily stands up with a pout on her face, and I can't help but laugh.

One of their laughs that you're acting like you're sad for them, so it sounds like you're just going "ooh!" in a pitiful way.

"You're so cute!" I chuckle.

I take out my phone, and take a picture of her.

"I'm getting this framed and putting it on the wall." I laugh.


Juan month later

Emily POV:
"Babe, I'm going to the store! Do you need anything?" I call out to Alison.

"Chocolate, pickles and peanut butter!" She yells back.

"You don't even like peanut butter!" I shout.

"It's not for me, it's for the baby! The baby wants it!"

I groan, grab my keys and step out the door.

Alison and me decided to move in together.

Her and Eden practically already lived here, and I already had a room set up for us, Tyler and Eden.

I get to the store, and get everything we need.

Including Alison's new found cravings. Which make me gag. No joke.


Alison POV:
I wake up at three in the morning to the baby kicking, and my stomach growling.

"Em! Em, babe. Wake up!" I whisper, and lightly shake her.

"What?" She asks sleepily.

"I want cheese." I say.

"Cheese? At three in the morning? Really, Alison?" She asks, slightly annoyed, but amused.

"It's not me! It's the baby! He or she wants dairy!" I say in defense.

"I'll be back soon." She says, and gets up in her white sports bra and gray sweatpants.

"You're going in that?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's three in the morning." She says, and walks out.

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